4 Siblings... But 4 girls

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I get up and brush my short black hair. Another day of trying to find our brothers. I go wake my younger sister up.

We get breakfast. I get my clothes.

I find my purple jacket and blue shirt. I put them on with a light blue short skirt. I put on grey leggings and pink sneakers.

My sister has a red shirt, green vest, her brown 'man purse', blue skirt, and light green leggings.

We tweak our glasses and head out to our truck. Our ghost supplies are in the back.

We look at the picture we taped to the inside roof of the truck. A picture of our family... Mom, Dad, us, and our brothers.

We both sigh, now trying to think of where they could be. Their souls.

With the Frye Siblings.

Me and my siblings are asked a million questions by the four government people we created. "Please, this isn't what we need! Let's watch videos on our channel for a lead!" Bethany suggests, getting annoyed. Noticeably too.

"Cerria? Agree? Cause I do," Issac asks me, I nod. I turn to Jordan, "Do you think this is reasonable?" He nods.

"We have a YouTube Channel," Jordan explains, they all have a moment of realization. "So, PIE, and old old 2012-2013 videos right?" I ask, this is annoying but I love a trip down memory lane.

They all nod, let's get started.

        "But I think CardBoard Friend did kidnapped Sir," JonnyToast said, I nodded, "Perfect. We know about him or her?"

        I have always thought that CardBoard Friend was a boy. Well it can't have a gender? Right? Every ghost comes from a being... a being with certain gender.

        Eh, not too important... right?

        "Do you know a good location?" Jenny asks, we shake our heads. "But we can show you!" Bethany says, taking out her phone.

        "Let's go to PIE headquarters!" Spooker says, smiling. We all nod, we decide it's our best place scenario. To plan anyways.

        We go there and we see the many ghost machines it has. Like the WiggleLine machine! They brought it here I guess. I smile and say (as JonnyToast), "Sir! It's the WiggleLine machine!" My brother laughs.

        We watch old videos and they know the address of the house. And the videos are the CardBoard Friend parts... the rag doll and player-model.

         The ghost hunters look more invested than anyone else. JonnyToast is the most invested though. It is probably because he misses his boss.

I put an arm around JonnyToast, he flinched. "You miss your friend?" I ask, softly. "Yes... very much," Toast says, looking down.

"You deserve a break," I say, grabbing his left hand. I bring him to the computers and sit him down.

"What are you doing?" Toast asks, very confused. "I am making a VenturianTale video with you," I announce, he looks scared. Well, more hesitant.

I use my powers to install my Garrys mod in and recording software. I give Toast a headset and make myself a headset too. I then install Garry's mod in another computer.

I set up a map. I invite him and he accepts it. Of course recording this and making a random account is a bad idea but whatever!

We make a fun video and then I use my powers to make the video edited. I uploaded it to the channel.

The fans were excited, like very! They keep on asking how we did this.

I'm not answering back though.

Toast and I went back to the main room. The others are chatting about how they could find JonnyGhost, without anyone seeing us... VenturianTale.

        Jordan keeps saying how people already saw us before.. so what's the point? I sigh, yeah what's the point?

        The police officers eventually responded to it by sighing and giving up.

        JonnyToast says we can stay the night. Obviously me and my siblings. I got a gray wall, white carpet room. It has a closet to the left in the corner if you look in from the door. My bed is sideways at a window, at the other side of the room to the closet.

        Bethany's POV

        I give up and go on my bed. I fall asleep.

        The dream area looks similar to space, beautiful too. I then see Jimmy Casket, floating over to me. I try floating away but it's very hard.

        "Sorry Bethany," Jimmy says, letting his knife float away. "Just be calm do you can float," He instructs me, I begin to try and calm down. I focus on floating forward. I begin to go forward and smile softly, "Thank you Jimmy."

        He looks happy, "Welcome Beth." I blush lightly, did he just call me... 'Beth'? "Why are you here?" I ask, curiously as I try to stay stable. Jimmy floats over and keeps me upright.. I think I'm upright anyways.

        Jimmy looks happy, with a soft smile. He kind of looks cute, and nice. His red eyes look inviting and shiny. We then remember that I asked a question. "Oh! Right, I am here because... JonnyGhost is in grave danger," Jimmy says, looking frightened.

        This would be normal, but this is a renowned murderer!!

        "Should I tell JonnyToast?" I ask, quickly, concerned for JonnyGhost. "No, not yet," Jimmy says, he looks me in my brown eyes. "Alright, I understand," I say, biting my lip lightly.

        I feel breath on my lips, then more hot breath. Then it went away. "I-I'm s-sorry!" Jimmy said, looking away, looking scared. "I-I was ready for it. It's alright Jimmy!" I say, frantic.

        I look around... it's changing to the Acachalla's house. It's nighttime, I wonder why Jimmy is doing this? I think he's doing this anyways.

        "Jimmy, why are you doing this?" I ask, very curious. "You need t-to see th-this," He says, I grab his arm and run inside with him. Through the wall.

        I bring him to the tv room with the couch and two chairs. The Acachalla's are there and have a map with a few markers.

        No way. "So, how are we going to do this Papa!" Billy asked, high pitched. "Alright, first we break in the front. Then we go to the inspectors rooms and lock the doors shut!" Papa Acachalla says, scaring me.

        "Then we go to the ancient gods here?" Sally asks, curiously. I gasp, "They are planning to capture us!" Jimmy nods, frowning.

        Papa Acachalla nods, slowly. "Billy gets Issac, Gertrude gets Bethany, Sally gets Cerria, finally I get Jordan!" He then continues.

        The summary of this is that they are going to capture us and knock out the Investigators.

        Jimmy hugged me, I don't know why Gertrude would go with this. "Why are you being nice to me?" I ask, confused. "JonnyGhost, now. WAKE UP!!" Jimmy says, I scream and wake up.

        I pant, n-no! I check through the window. The Acachalla's are out there. I sneak to JonnyToast's room and we get Spooker and Colin.

        We all have weapons. The Acachalla's break in...

1177 words! I am being mean with this cliff hanger!! But yes Jimmy likes Bethany before anyone comments. I know this ship makes no sense! But just trust me. I am going to try and convince you this can happen... well it can work out if the characters are real. SO HAVE A GGRREEAATT DAY OR NOIGHT AND GGRREEAATT BBUUNNNNEEYY BBYYEE!(!)!(!)((!))

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