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(3rd person)

In a small village called Seirin lived an orphan boy named (Y/N). (Y/N) was four years old, had blue hair and blue eyes, and he was currently being chased in the nearby forest by the Grimm,a Beowulf.

(Y/N): Somebody help!!!

But no one came, probably because he was so far from the village.

(Y/N): 'What do i do? I don't wanna die! Someone help please! ' Pleaded the young man in his head. Then, as if his prayers were answered.




The boy, who had heard the noise, turned to confront his savior.

(Y/N): 'S-sc-scary!'

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(Y/N): 'S-sc-scary!'

His savior was a man standing at 173 cm in height, with red hair, glowing red eyes, with slits for pupils. He was wearing a black shirt under a black trench coat, with black pants and steel-boots.Overall he was rather intimidating even if he was on the short side. (Y/N) had started to panic once the man turned and started walking, not even sparing a glance.

(Y/N): W-w-wait!

The man jumped, startled, and turned around quickly drawing his weapon, a simple Katana, but immediately stopped once he saw who surprised him.

???: Huh? When did you get here kid? It's dangerous.

(Y/N): H-huh? I've been here the whole time mister.

The man seemed shocked by this statement.

???: 'What? I didn't even sense him and he's been here the whole time? How?

???: Well why are you here, like I said it's dangerous.

(Y/N): O-oh I was chased here by some kids that I stopped from bullying another kid.

The man seemed intrigued by this statement.

???: Oh? Then tell me,kid,why would you put yourself in harms way for someone you didn't even know?

At this question the boy gained a serious look so fast it surprised the man.

(Y/N): Because they were making him cry.

???: Really? Well then good for you kid. See ya.

Said the man while walking away to an unknown location.

(Y/N): Wa-wait!!

???: Hm?

(Y/N): Please train me!!!

???: Train you? Why should I?

(Y/N) Because I made a promise!

???: Oh? And what's this promise?

(Y/N): I promised that I wouldn't care what others thought, that I would become the greatest huntsman and help those in need!

The man was surprised by the determination and conviction in the four year-olds voice.

???: That's some determination you got there kid you sure you can handle my training?

(Y/N): Yes I'll handle anything you throw at me sir!

The man grinned wildly.

???: Ok kid you got my interest, sure I'll train you what's your name kid?

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N)!

Akashi: (Y/N) (L/N) huh? Nice to meet you I'm Akashi Seijuro, get ready for hell kid.

(Y/N): Yes Sir!!

Little did either of them know that this was just the beginning of the Phantom Legend.


Maaan! My first story I'm so excited! Let me know what you guys think so far. Welp Catch You Later!

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