Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV

He smiled back, which made the scar on his chin show even more. "Hi," he said.

        I kept smiling nervously. What should I say? God, this guy is hot.

        He bent down and picked up my notebook, that somehow landed on the front page that I doodled on.

        "Nice drawing," he smirked, then handed me my notebook.

        "Thanks," I blush, taking it back. I slide back into the desk I was sitting in, face red as a tomato.

        He plops himself into the infront of me, still smirking.

        What's happening! Usually I'm great with people, but this guy was somehow making me feel all akward and like I'm going to puke my guts out.

        "'re new here" I try, "how're you likin' the school so far?" What am I doing?!?

        "It's good, but I've only been going for two minutes, and the first day is usually the worst," he answers.

        I looked at him confused. "What, why the worst, I mean you're just so hot-" My eyes widen, "I just said that out loud, didn't I?" Oh dear God.

        He chuckles, "Yes, you did. And, just so you're not laughing at me during attendance, my name's Hiccup."

        I giggled a little, then I noticed the solemn look on his face. "Oh, you're serious."

        He nodded.

        Damn it, Lucy! Oh God, now he's never gonna talk to me again. I slump down in my seat embarrassed. 

        "What," he smiles, "you embarrassed to be talking to a Hiccup?" 

        "No, I just embarrassed myself." 

        He lightly touches my hand with his, I flinched on how cold he is. That's weird, it's like 80 degrees outside. "Well, who doesn't embarrass themselves when they talk to their crush?"

        "What," I try to say it nonchalantly, "I don't have a crush on you, I just met you, I don't fall in love with someone I just met. I'm not Ariel."

        He laughes. "I said nothing about falling in love." 

        "Same diff." I reply. 

        As if on que, the teacher walks in causing our conversation to stop. "Hello class," she said, "my name's Ms. Breyer-" and blah blah blah. 

        I kind of always zone out during school (hell, who doesn't). And then I start thinking about Teen Wolf and fandoms and Hiccup and - wait what! 

        No, not Hiccup, I barely even know the guy. And what are the chances that a guy like him would ever go out with a girl like me. I mean I'm the weird girl whose obsessed with Teen Wolf. 

       Hm, what if Hiccup was a teen wolf. He'd be hot one of those. Maybe that's why he was talking to me, like some werewolf soul mate thing. 

        No, impossible, he was way too cold too be a werewolf.  Wait, maybe he's a-

        I didn't get to finish the thought. The whole class burst out laughing, I assumed that the teacher was taking attendence and said Hiccup's name. 

        Poor guy, it was his first day. Well he did say the first day was the worst day. 


I stuff some of my books into the skinny blue locker. 

        My mind flickering towards Hiccup very often. Why can't I get that boy out of my head? 

        My friend Jenifer comes up to me. "So," she says, "did you see the new guy yet and I mean his face."

        "You mean Hiccup. Yes, I saw him, met him, we have the same homeroom." I slam my locker shut. 

        "Oh, you have the same- wait, did you just say his name is Hiccup?" she asked. "Well that's let down."

        I nodd. "Yeah, he threatened the entire class that if they made fun of his name he'd run over them with his motorcycle." 

        She got a dazed look on her face. "Oh. He has a motorcycle." 

        I roll my eyes. "Jen, your parents would kill you if they saw you on one of those things." If she ever gets the courage to get on one. 

        "Ugh, you're no fun," she groans.  

        "Okay, grumpy," I put my arm around her shoulder, "we have lunch next."

        She grumbles to herself for most of the way to the cafeteria. 

        Then, we pass Hiccup on our way, he looks my way and gives me an adorable dorky smile. 

        I return smile until the distance was blocked by more people.

        Jenifer shakes my arm. "Lucy, he was so checking you out." 

        I shake my head. "No, Jen, he only did that because he's new and probably doesn't know how weird I am." 

        "But that's why you're so lovable," she hugs me to make a point. 

        "Well, yeah, but even with a name like Hiccup, he's gonna end up popular and then he's going to completely ignore me." 

        She looks at me simpathetically, "Aww, Lucy, he won't ignore you. You have the homeroom, he'll see you every morning." 

         I roll my eyes again. Even if that was true, what are the chances that he would ever even want to go out with me?

A/N: So what'd you guys think? To be honest I think I did pretty good

And just to be clear, Lucy is supposed to be Astrid because I saw some of you were asking about that. (Even though it says do in the description). 

Oh! And one more thing. 

I'm not going to bring Jack, Merida, Rapunzel, or Anna and Elsa into the story. Unless they're watching the movies. (Like seriously, I'm going to add in a part where Lucy is making Hiccup watch Brave and he goes all 'Oooo, Merida's pretty.')

It's just gonna be Hiccup, Lucy(Astrid), Ruffut, and a bunch of other characters that I made up. And maybe even Fishlegs and Tuffnut. I don't know the, book's still young.

Anyway, like, comment, vote, I crave your opinions. 

Peace out!!!!!

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