Icy Wolf

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Ciao~ everyone I'm happy to be back and writing again. I would like to thank everyone for understanding for having to wait that long. -_-

School sucks and sadly I have no control over that so...
But I'm going to try, now I may not upload every week because of homework and also I might just forget about it. But I'll try, and feel free to tell me it's been like 1 month. I want to make Y'all happy okay.

With that out of the way, let's continue...


"Oh yes, before I forget the bands will stop at 12 to eat lunch then we shall continue." The principle said

With kody & friends

"Im so excited guys! What do you wanna do first?!" Cella asked

"Well considering its 11 right now we have 1 hour to play games, and then we eat. And I say after that we should watch the rest of the solo's. And around 1:30 Icy Wolf should come on." Kody said

"I agree with kody, lets do that!" Elijah said. The three nodded and headed off to the game area.

With lumine

"Ahg...do I really have to wear this?" lumine complained. His mother chuckled "Yes honey you have to."

Lumines wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a light green sweater, and on top of it a dark blue jacket with white fur around the calor. [Like you know those jackets that have the fuzzy fur on the hood part, that's what I'm talking about.] He's wearing black high top converse, and if you look closely you can see a white wolf on the side.

"So have you decided what songs your going to sing?" She asked. "Well i have a few idea's." He replied. "Thats good to here, I'm sure everyone's going to love them." She went out of the room to call for a limo.
"........Ya....I'm sure........"
~Back at the festival~

Over the first hour they spent it playing games. Kody noticed that Elijah and cella liked each other more than friends, so he left them 'alone' to see what would happen.

Ya,...that's not true. Kody followed behind but fare enough not to get spotted. Elijah ended up winning a game and got a giant penguin. He gave it to cella. Kody saw that they both blushed and decided to 'help out'

"Hey guys" kody said acting like he saw nothing.

They both turned around flushing even more, kody smirked at that but hid it quick.

"Wow cella you got a giant penguin!"
He acted impressed

"W-what. O-oh n-no elijah g-gave it to m-me" she studderd and said it quietly, she would a tomato to shame she was so red.

"Y-ya" elijah replied

"Aww thats so sweet elijah, I never knew you liked cella?" Kody 'asked'

They both were a blushing mess after that...

"I know! You two could be together."

It took a few seconds to register that...
"WHAT!!!!" they both said

"You heard me." Kody replied with a smirk "once your done talking meet me at one of the picnic tables. Ill go get us some food, its already 12:45" kody said as he walked away.

Once elijah new kody was out of site he piped the question
(no not the will you marry me one)

"Um cella..."

Gulp "yes e-elijah"

"Will you be my-" he was cut of by a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes i will. I've liked you for a long time now." She emitted

"Me too. I just didn't no how to say it"

She nodded "so? Does this mean we're a couple now?" She asked hopefully.

He nodded and they walked were kody would be hand and hand.(aww I wish I could find someone like that)

Kody got everyone hamburgers and fries and got water for him, coke for elijah, and root beer for cella. They eat and listened to the solo's and clapped when they were done. After everyone was done they voted for the best band and solo.

"And the best band was...
....the Devil Stars"
[terrible name I know]

Everyone clapped

"And the best solo is...Rachel sawada"
(Got the last name from KHR)

They all clapped again. And the band and singer got a medal for the winning.

"Alright everyone its the moment you've all been waiting for!"

~Back stage~

"Alright evwryone its the moment you've all been waiting for!"

'Alright here we go'

"Now without further delay, lets all welcome..."

~Curtains coming up~

'Here we go'


'show time'

Everyone was screaming and chanting his name and saying





And so much more...

Icy Wolf (lumine) was smiling and all the girls blushed, and some....guys?

"Minna~hello everyone, its so awesome to be here today."

Cheers were heard

"I'd like to say thank you for all the people who were responsible for this event. And to show my thanks I'm going to be singing some songs for all of you!" Lumine said

Cheers and screams were heard, there were a lot of camera and news people taking pictures or videos of the event. But a lot were pictures of Icy Wolf because, he's cute, duh.

(Before we start this I would like to say I DO NOT own the songs in this story, thank you)

"The first song I will sing is called...

Hey everyone I would like to say thank you for all the support you've been giving me and I can't thank you all enough. I really thought nobody would read this but, I was wrong.

But anyway thank you, now as I told you before I won't be able to upload weekly because I'm in high school and it fucking sucks so ya. But hang in there.
Also feel free to tell me I haven't upload in a month, sometimes I will forget.

But anyway thank you all, I hope to see all your comments again soon. Remember you made this story going, if it wasn't for you I would of stoped so...THANK YOU!!

GOOD-BYE till next time.

Icy Wolf [Lumine & Kody] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now