Diving and Cameras

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Layla's P.O.V

"Please, Please, Please!" I asked my personal coach. "No Layla you have to practice" she said and sternly looked in my eyes. "Only to watch him and that's it, I swear!" I begged and pouted my lip. She sighed and nodded. "But you need someone to go with you" she said and I filled up with butterflies. "I Promise I'll find someone!" I said and she smiled. Me and my coach Natalie have grown really close. We're like sisters even though she's like 30 and i'm 18. "You wanna come?" I asked and she smiled. "Im not letting you out of my sight" she said and winked because she knew i would probably run down to Tom. "Ha, but thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!" I said and hugged her really tight. "Ok Layla but lets go we dont wanna be late" Natalie said and wiggled out of my grip. A huge smile was plastered on my face while I went to go and change. I put on my TOMS maroon crew shirt, hudson jeans which were a navy color, a black and navy scarf, Castaner bassy wedges, and put my hair into a bun which had braids running through the actual bun part. I put on a gold bangle set and black diamond studed earings and Tiffany necklace. I put on eyeliner and mascara. Thats the only makeup I ever really put on becasue many people told me I'm a natural beauty. I then went down to Natalie and we went to where Tom was diving.


Next was Tom. Natalie and I were with the rest of the support team for USA. I did really support them but why wouldnt I cheer on Tom? After all he had asked me to come. I was shaking just hoping for them to do good. This was the sychronized event so Tom would have a partner. As they approached the platform I screamed "YA TOM!" and he looked right where I was. I smiled and waved as he did the same. Natalie nudged me and I blushed as I watched Tom. "You and Mr. Daley huh?" she asked and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. I gigled and I felt my cheeks turn crimson. "No just acquaitances" I said and she sighed. "Layla you guys must be at least friends" she said and I sighed. I mean I only met him a few days ago and he's even nicer than everyone says. "I guess so then" I said and my face lit up. Me and Tom are friends! I let out a WOO and threw my hands in the air and Natalie just laughed at me. I started to laugh even harder. People were staring but I didnt care. I then met Tom's eyes and he was smiling at me with affection in his eyes? Woa totally screaming on the inside! We both started laughing then and he rolled his eyes. I giggled and Natalie told me to shut up and I did. I'm not really big in diving and knowing what the things were called but I was gasping at the level of difficulty. I held my breath before they went because he could hit his head and crack it open. Then, I would cry. Everytime they did something good me and Natalie would cheer and scream really loud. I couldnt help but smile at him and his perfect body. Man he is jacked. Like I cant even get abs like that! I mean like wheres the store to buy them at? I want a shopping spree to that store. After he was done I jumped out of my seat and "ran" down to him. "Layla!" he said. When he said my name it sent shivers down my spine. "Hey Tom" I said with a smile and hugged him. He luckily had on his jogging pants so it wasent weird. Even though I honestly wouldnt mind if he had on his suit. "I'm so glad you came" He said as he rocked me back and fourth. "Really?" I asked and he nodded and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his fingers interlocked at the small of my back. "You did so good!" I said and i felt his forehead hit my shoulder and he smiled. "Thanks Lay" he said and I smiled. He has a nickname for me! It's so cute, I need one for him. "Anytime Daley" I said and he laughed. I was literally shaking right now. I mean come on! Im in the arms of my heart throb and he's smiling and laughing at me! Why wouldnt I be shaking with excitement? We pulled away and continued on with our conversation. "So what was up with you screaming 'WOO' randomly?" he said and mimicked what I did. I punched his arm softly and stared into his gorgeous brown eyes. "Because I was excited for you!" I said and he laughed. "Why? Should'nt you have been cheering on the US?" he asked and sat down on the bench. I sat down next to him and looked at him. "Ya i did but I wanted you to do good and I was..." and my voice trailed off. "What?" Tom asked as he placed his hand on my knee trying to look in my eyes. I looked back at him and bit my lip. I just shook my head and looked away again. "Please?" he said and placed two fingers under my chin and made me face him. I stared at him for awhile then continued. "I was- well really excited for you to go on" I mumbled and he smiled at me. "And why is that so bad?" he asked and I looked at him. "It isnt, trust me but Natalie my coach was teasing me about a few things about how excited I got when you came on" I said and we both laughed. "Really now? Like what" and he came closer to me. My heart beat faster and I was begining to become speechless. "Well like, umm, ermm, about 'Us' being something more, like" I was cutt off by Tom. "Girlfriend/Boyfriend?" he asked and I nodded cautiously. Then he started to laugh. "What is so funny about that?" I asked him and he began to giggle then he stopped. Tom took a dramatic deep breath and spoke. "The funny thing is I wouldnt mind that at all" he said and got closer so our legs were touching and I felt his gaze, rock hard on me. I got the chills and blushed. "R-really?" I asked and faced him. Tom Daley just told me he wouldnt mind he was my boyfriend. O.M.G. He nodded and continued to talk. "It's just I dont really want a relationship yet" he said and then laughed as he saw the disappointment in my eyes. "You meanie!" I said and pouted my bottom lip. "Aww dont be such a poor sport. Lets turn that frown upside down!" his said and lifted the corners of my mouth up and I growled. He just smiled as he looked at my face in its skewed up position. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Bye Tom, see you tomorrow maybe?" I said and started walking before I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me. "What no goodbye hug?" he asked and I smiled. I wrapped my arms under his arms and around his back as his wrapped around my neck. "Goodbye Tom" I said and walked away from him as he waved. When I got back to Natalie I got a call as we walked out. It was from my friend Savannah. "Hey Sav" I said and she started ranting on about something. "Wait what?" I asked. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU AND TOM DALEY ARE DATING!" she said and I stopped dead in my tracks. "But we arent" I said and she let out a frustrated sigh. "Then why is there a picture of you two hugging? It looks like a pretty deep hug!" She said and I rolled my eyes and continued to walk with Nat. "I was congratulating him and we talked for a bit and thats all. We aren't even dating, we're just friends!" I said and hung up. Thanks Savannah, you just completly threw out my focus. Now I'm more worried about this whole story about Tom and I dating, and not training. I guess I just need to not let my feelings towards him get too far. Then I saw Sam approaching me. He looked pretty furious. Nat asked if she should leave and I nodded as Sam came closer.

"Hey Sam whats wrong?" I asked, really confused. But I knew what was coming.

"Why are you dating Tom Layla, you tell me that!" he said his voice raising alittle and his hazel eyes full of jealousy, hurt, sadness, and anger. I gulped and looked at the ground."Well!" He said tapping his foot on the ground, arms crossed. I looked up to meet his gaze. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.




this is chapter 2!!

Thanks for the votes and reads!

keep on reading and voting guys!!

You guys can see Layla's outfit on my polyvore: jacki-jb1d, and the outfit is called like fall day or something like that!

Keep on reading, voting and hopefully commenting

~Jacki <333

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