Chapter 3

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Remus PoV (3rd)

Remus watched as Sirius proceeded to freak out, after getting Harry to sleep.
"What are we going to do?!? We have to raise this Baby now! OUR BEST FRIENDS ARE DEAD!!" Sirius ranted frantically while pacing around the room.

"Calm down Sirius" Remus said trying to calm him. Remus was used to keeping a calm face during serious times unlike Sirius. Remus was internally devastated, but, as the wiser of the two, his focus was on Harry. "We will have to go to the muggle and magical stores tomorrow to get everything we will need for Harry."
Most of the Potter house was destroyed and what was left was to big to move so they didn't have much for the child at the moment.

"Oh yeah SHOPPING!" Sirius exclaimed with a note of excitement in his voice.

So it took about and hour for the men to calm down enough to get some sleep. They would need all the sleep they could get, they were about to have to care for a 1-year-old.
Sirius PoV
The next day Remus and Sirius were awoken at the crack of dawn by a crying baby. And they were awoken from their bliss of the dream world to face the reality that James and Lily were dead and they now have to raise Harry.

Sirius moaned as he rolled out of bed
"I'll get the baby; you make breakfast" Sirius said with a gesture at Remus. Sirius then proceeded to stagger into Harry's room. He pick him up and got him dressed. "Do you want to wear your blue shirt? Well you have to, your down to one shirt and a red jumper. Uncle Remus and I will wear red jumpers too!" Sirius said as he dressed Harry. He bent down and gave Harry a big cuddly hug as he went to pick Harry up, and Harry gave the cutest little giggle at his godfather. And Sirius knew he would never love anything more in his entire life.

Sirius took Harry downstairs to meet Remus, who was making scrambled eggs. The 3 of them ate some breakfast and made a game plan for their baby shopping. They were going to the muggle store for the small essentials and a stroller, then the magical shops for toys and things, and finally back to the muggle store for a crib, changing table, and pack and play for when he had to go to Hogwarts with Minerva.

And off they went.

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