
When I say my husband's a reader, I'm not just talking about books, no no. I'm talking newspapers, magazines and pretty much anything that you can read from. So yeah, he is more or less, like a book worm. I serve him breakfast in silence like everyday. He eats it in silence like everyday. We don't talk about anything. Like. Everyday. Or maybe not.

“Hey Sally?”


“Was wondering…” he's chewing, so I wait.

“...what your favorite dish is?”

“Why do you wanna know?” Thank God he asked me that!

“It's spaghetti and meatballs.”

“Right. Cool.” He smiles, then continues eating.

You know what I have been noticing lately? He's started smiling a lot. I mean, specially when he's around me. That's a good sign, I guess. Right?

But he didn't say anything about today's breakfast. I surely didn't get up all this early to make him pancakes to get ignored!

“I love these.”

This is too good to be true. Say that again please.

“These pancakes are awesome.”

“Thank you, Karan.” That's all I can come up with. Then, the worst possible thing happens.


She's blushing. Again. Now she looks even cuter.


My ringtone interrupts this little moment. Thank God! I mean, I couldn't have him watching me blush for the rest of the morning!

It's Katie.

“Hey babe, 'sup?”

“Hey Katie, I'm good. Why'd you call?”

“Are you kidding me? You better be, because Mrs. Sharma, today's Sunday for God's sake! You never have time for me!”

“Katie, can we talk about this later?” I look at Karan.

“No, it's okay.” He mouths.

I get up and walk to the living room.

“Are you even saying this? I can't believe it! Sally-”

“Hey! I'm sorry, okay? We were having breakfast, I just thought-”

“Oh, so you didn't wanna interrupt your moments with him?” She teases.

“No, at least me finish!”

“Hey, Sal? I called to ask you if you and Karan have any plans for the day?”

“When do we ever have any plans together?” I throw a question right back at her.

“Well, you're right. Anyways, I was thinking if we spend this entire day together? Just you and me, what do you say? Girls’ day out?”

“Honestly, I don't know what to say-”

“Oh, come on! Why do you have to be such a spoil sport?”

“Katie, Karan has never-”

“He can take care of himself! He's older than you! Just a day without you wouldn't make a difference!”

“Okay, I'll talk to him.”

“Do that. And don't forget to text me after.”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Goodbye Mrs. Sharma.”

I walk to the table rehearsing all the words in my head:

Karan, I have to..

No, no.

Karan, can I…

No, what are you doing?!

“Hey everything okay?” He asks me as I take a seat.

“Katie and I were thinking about spending this Sunday together.”

“Are there going to be other friends too?”


He doesn't know that Katie is actually my only friend. Well, there was Vanessa, but she was in a relationship with my boyfriend Rob. So, I had to get rid of both of them. She tried apologizing, but I didn't know how to tell her that when your feelings are concerned, “sorry” rarely works.

“Okay. Cool. Have a good time.”

I smile at this and he reciprocates the act.

It's on!

I text Katie after breakfast.

Hey guys! Another update right in front of you! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!

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