Long Distance Drarry.

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A/N: This follows Protective Harry. And, I apologise for whatever this has turned out to be. I am writing this author's note before I've even finished the actual chapter. But don't judge the quality 😂  I started this at around half four this morning and only got not even four hours sleep lol. 😂😂😂 Enjoy, comment and vote! God I update too much, I must be so annoying lol 😂😂 But, I love writing so bleh 😜

Draco stared at his phone, slightly terrified. He had been sitting on his bed, phone in hand and messenger open for the past half hour. He said call him sometime but does the next day constitute as sometime? Or should I wait longer? He bit his lip and fell backwards onto his bed. “Ok. I’ll do it.” He said to the silence keeping him company in the small room.

Hey. It’s Draco. How are you?

Draco’s finger hovered over the send button. He shook his head and deleted the entire text.

Hi, what’s up? It’s Draco. How was the flight?

Draco frowned. I never say what’s up. What’s wrong with me? He deleted it and tried again.

Hi, it’s Draco! How was the flight? Hope jet lag isn’t dragging you down too much.

He frowned again, nerves tingling. Taking a deep breath, he sent the text, shrieking a little as he did so. He held the phone over his head, the soft white light illuminating his nervous expression. The alarm clock beside him reads 1:30 am, and if his maths was right, it should be about 8:30 pm over there. He nibbled at his chapped lips anxiously. His phone beeped and he shrieked, automatically throwing it across the room. He quickly scrambled to get it. A new text notification popped up.

Harry: Hey! The flight was ok, but jet lag is a b*tch. But, what are you doing up so late?
Draco’s fingers trembled as he typed out the response.

Oh, just couldn’t sleep. What about you? Even though it’s only like 8:32 over there.

Harry: Unfortunately, jet lag wants to mate with insomnia. So I’m super tired and feel like I should be asleep, but am wide awake.

Rough. But I suppose you need to get readjusted to the time zone over there too.

Harry: But I’m tiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeed!

Draco couldn’t stop a giggle from bursting from his lips. He could practically hear Harry beside him.

Too bad. 😛
Harry: 😖

A pure white cat padded into the room and jumped up onto the bed beside him. Draco stroked his fluffy white fur. “Hello.” He murmured happily. He snapped a quick picture and sent it to Harry.

Sir Meows-A-Lot the Third sends his condolences.

Harry: Awwww! He's adorable!Harry: But

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Harry: Awwww! He's adorable!
Harry: But....
Harry: Sir Meows-A-Lot the Third?

I was five! And I happen to think it's a wonderful name.

Harry: Mhm sure. You just can't change it now. 😂

....go away.

Harry: Nope. Can't get rid of me now.

Draco stared at his phone, a goofy grin on his face. Giddy nerves fluttered in his stomach but he was loving this. He rolled over and lay down face to face with Sir Meows-A-Lot. "See? Harry loves you." He brandished the phone in front of his face. His blue eyes followed it disinterestedly and he suddenly swatted at the phone. Draco tugged it out of his reach with a chuckle. He rolled back over and stared at his phone screen. He reached out and began to pet Sir Meows-A-Lot. He purred and nudged the hand with his head for more petting. "He loves you." Draco murmured.

A/N: And there we go. Short but sweet. Ugh. I gave my number to a dude the other day, because I'm going into Toulouse on Monday with the youth club and he's going too, and they have this thing where people you know need to know your number in case something happens blah blah blah. So, he calls me Friday, as I'm in the car with my grandfather and siblings and cousins ets heading to my uncle's, to make sure the number is correct. Since I live in Ireland and all, I have to put the extra numbers at the start blah blah blah. My grandmother arrived a few minutes ago with my grandfather, to pick us up. "So, I heard you got a call from a boy on Friday." All sly and in that ooooo time girls use. HE'S THIRTEEN, I'M ALMOST SIXTEEN CALM DOWN. I said that to her. Not in all caps. And she goes. "Look at your parents. Your mum is older than your dad. And your aunt is older than your uncle." FACE PALM.

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