I heard rustling right beside, I opened one eye as this boy gave a small smile and sat right next to me. "You heard all of that?"

"Just from the breakup because of college to the runaway part" I gave him a grin

"So you just got all the bad parts huh?" I nodded at his question "You're that new kid who embarrassed my best friend huh? The name's Peter Kavinsky"

I sighed even more, I embarrassed the best friend- he's a jock too isn't he? "Klara Stilinski"

"What happened to Wintour?" He nudged me jokingly

"Bad day for the both us"

He nodded, no other words were exchanged until the bell hand rung and class was over "Hey where were you off to?" He stopped me before I rushed towards the parking lot

"AP Forensics" Peter Kavinsky pointed right at the end of the hall where it boldly wrote the words AP Forensics, I slapped my forehead in embarrassment

I fixed myself and placed all of my books into my locker, the only thing that makes sense of today and it's a metal storage full of books and emptiness.

"You going home?"

"Yup" We walked alongside each other, are we like bad day best friends now? Is that what this is?Whatever it was, I'm glad I made a friend out of it

"There's a party tonight at Mr. Art Piece's house you down? I can like pick you up or something"

I bit my lip and stared into space squinting my eyes to make it seem like I was thinking, my first day and my first party all in one? I don't know about that, but then I did the thing where I spoke before I even thought "I'm down for that"

Kia and I had met up by my car as planned, it was a first day rule we always had ever since I learned how to drive

"You look bright for somebody who had the worst day ever, according to your text by the way" My little sister who was 15 and a sophomore turned her head viciously before buckling her seatbelt

"It was fucking shitty" I burst out laughing with my head touching the wheel

"But?" She added

"This cute boy is taking me to a party, his best friend's who by the way I insulted for insulting my long name- did I mention I witnessed this cute boy's poetic break up with his now ex girlfriend? She doesn't want anyone for college and I guess she wanted to let go two years early"

"Wow so you're the rebound"

"Shut up or you'll be walking home. I don't do boys anymore I mean I do, do them- they just broke my heart so I'm on a cleanse- celibate" I bragged, it's as if my sister knows what celibate means, thank god she doesn't

I rustled up next to my sister, binge watching Friends for my second time but as my sister's request I couldn't say no. We'd usually all do it as a sibling type of bonding but my sister is in college that I call far far away, by that I mean New Jersey, she's a Princeton fancy pants kid so I'd have to get to her level so I don't be a complete disappoint. My older brother- total marines kid so was my father they were in the same base.

The next thing I hear were thumps, "Oh, hi- w- I fell asleep didn't I? Oh jeez I'll go and get ready and we can leave okay? Yeah? sounds like a plan? Great be right back, beware Kia bites" I pointed walking backwards with a little trip, wow embarrassment number 500 of the day but hey who's counting?

He drives a nice silver jeep. He seemed okay from what I saw earlier, not too sad but still sad. I can feel the sad heart broken vibes, I've been there one too many times so I completely understand him, we talked but not too much because we are strangers who met in the most awkward position, for all I know he could be a psychopathic maniac trying to kill me. It'll be the death of me. The house was huge, glass staircases and glass doors that lead to the backyard. Mr. Art Piece can sure throw a party. The whole night was filled with two cups of booze, me following him half of the night which really sucked until I got to the shots and suddenly made a bunch of friends. I'm afraid I made a fool out of myself and created a more less me. Could that even be possible?

"Ugh, what is that sm- who puked right next to my bed?" I groaned planting my face onto the black pillows, for a second I thought my dog Sweet Pea turned into a pug.

"That would be you" I slowly rose up moved my head towards that voice, inside I'm freaking out as on the outside I tried to play it cool

I blinked one too many times, Peter Kavinsky and I sharing a bed let alone a room? "Don't worry nothing happened you were just super drunk so I took you home, changed you and stuff, promise I didn't- WE didn't" He emphasized, with relief I let myself fall back to bed and I'm assuming that it was his pug I saw, jumped to bed and lay on me

I looked down, I was in his button up shirt from last night.. He had time to button me up? "I'm guessing these two are yours?"

"Yeah, party girl. Never knew you could wow a crowd like that"

"Wh-what? What do you mean?" I stuttered, got up from his bed the second he did too

"Nice underwear, not that I didn't see enough of it last night" OH NO.

I slid down his door and down to the floor groaning once more. "Klara what have you done this time?"

To All The Peter Kavinsky's I've Loved BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now