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It had been a week since that night.

And during the whole week since it, their had been a sense of tranquility and quietude following your every move.

From the moment you had woken up the next morning, nestled into Jungkook's arms (as you had spent the whole night), you felt an undeniable sense of calm and security in his hold. It was an embrace of hope and achievement and trust, and you truly did not want to leave it. For the first time in a while, you felt wanted and appreciated, and the feeling was so joyous that it settled in your heart like a warm meal in a poor mans stomach.

But it had had to come to an end,

and when he woke up and reached out for you,

you had bid your goodbyes and leave the room feeling a fullness never quite felt before.

• • • • • • • •

Taking in a few deep breaths, you tried to calm your raging nerves as you nervously jerked your knee out of habit.

It's only going to be awkward if you make it awkward y/n.

Today was a weekday.

You looked down at your watch.

It was 2:55 pm.

You sucked in your lip and nibbled on it nervously. Anytime now Jungkook could wheel up to you and stop his breaks and talk to you, as it had been for the last 2 months. Yet this time was different and no matter how much you tried to shake off your nerves, they just wouldn't go away. It would be the first time seeing him since that night, and you desperately wanted to know if he felt the same way as you did after it.

But what if he didn't?


You didn't know him that well.


For all you knew,

he could think of you as just another dumb girl who swooned over him.



The word triggered something inside your head.

It made you think.

You gasped as realization dawned across your mind.


The always happy, always uplifting boy.

the only person who you associated yourself with,

who you enjoyed having around as company.

who enjoyed you as company.





you loved him.



A yell pulled you harshly out of your shocked revelation.

You loved Jungkook.

And here he was now.

Looking up towards his voice, you choked on your own spit when you saw him. 


Because he was walking towards you. And damn did he look happy about it. Bunny smile showing, he hobbled as quickly as he could over to you, his crutches only seeming to get in his way. Seeing his beam, the radiance of it adorning his face, you felt some feeling erupt deep inside your chest. 


This was the man who you loved. Moreover, you wanted to let him know. so as he finally made his way over to you, the excitement inside him clearly bubbling over and effecting yourself, you smiled at him. 

Full and wide.

Like you had never done before.

And when he caught his breath at it, wonder and admiration filling his chocolate orbed eyes, you realized that you wanted to extend his reaction. So, taking a deep, quivering and unruly breath, you opened your mouth.

And muttered three life changing words.

"I like you."

sweet recovery- J.jkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora