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At four in the morning you woke,

Began to move as the clock hand stroke.

You took yourself down the hall,

Ignoring the faint boy's call.

When entering the bathroom,

you locked the door.

No one should hear when you decide to fall.

This is what they wanted, you thought.

They said so before.

No one wanted a broken, miserable friend above all.

Taking a step, you took in your last breath.

You have no initial thoughts in your head.

As you fall.

And fall.

And fall.

You seemed to be falling forever, trapped in a never-ending cycle.


You glimpsed the floor, the same old and mouldy tiles of the shared bathroom.

You watched it come closer, rapidly taking up the entire space of your vision.

What was happening?

You didn't want it to end like this, plummeting down to the hard expanse and hit it so hard it broke all your bones.

You didn't want to go like this.

You couldn't.


You started screaming as you came closer and closer to the ground, so close that you could see each and every individual crack.

You needed help.

Somebody, Anybody needed to he-

"Yah! Y/n wake up!"

Hazily, you came to your senses, opening your eyes to reveal a distressed and disheveled Jungkook staring straight at you. Half dressed, he lent over your entire body, so close that his breath was still hot as he exhaled softly onto your face. It took you a few seconds to compute the situation you were in. When you realized, a weird and high pitched sound emitted from your throat as you pushed the boy away from you. 

With maybe a little too much force.

You watched in shock as Jungkook flew, literally flew off of you, landing on his butt on the ground a few meters away. Gazing up from his weakened state, the boy glared at you with anger and annoyance in his eyes. Seeing this gaze, as well as his disheveled state, made you, surprisingly and for the first time in a long while, want to laugh.

So you did.

Thinking back, you had to admit that it was a tinkle-like sound of a laugh. A bit rusty from being unheard so long.

But it was enough to wipe Jungkook's anger completely off his face, replaced with awe and adoration. Slowly Jungkook managed to pull himself up from the ground, propping one of his arms on your bed for support while grappling for the wheelchair next to him with the other. Yet the whole time, he manages to keep his eyes trained on your face with an unidentifiable expression on his own.

You tilted your head on an angle, a look depicting the question what? on your face.

"You - I mean I-" No matter how much Jungkook tried, it seemed he couldn't get whatever he had in his head out.

A small smile appeared on his lips. Shy, and adorable, and sweet.

Jeon Jungkook was the definition of an angel.

His smile grew wider. "You laughed."

His teeth started to show as he re-stated, "You laughed."

By the time his smile reached full on bunny potential, Jungkook was clapping his hands and laughing and giggling out of delight, repeating over and over again, "You laughed you laughed you laughed!"

His actions were so adorable that you couldn't help but smile.


This led to both of you giggling at each other in a child like state of mind. You could honestly and truthfully say that that one moment, sitting there in your out-dated room, was one of the best in your life. The feeling of sharing your joy and absolute giddiness with someone else with no shame, was by far the most rewarding thing you had ever felt. It was like you knew how to live again.

When the two of you finally quieted down enough to speak (well, Jungkook speak), the boy sitting in front of you voiced what he had really meant to come to you tonight for. You tried to focus on his words, and not the chiseled and defined upper half of his body that was on display. Nope, you did not notice the smooth abdominal muscles that were (Rudely) there for all eyes to see due to his haste of getting to your room in time.

"Y/n, I just wanted to say that i am so sorry for what i did. It was a dick move, and i shouldn't have said that when i knew it would hurt you. Please forgive me." The pitiful expression on Jungkook's face made you almost want to hug him.


You definitely weren't at that stage yet.

But you were at the stage to forgive him. Although it hurt, and you were left in wounded case of mind from his words, you knew he really didn't mean it. 

So you were able to forget it, for the time being, and let him rest from his obviously depressed state.

Placing a hand out in front of yourself, you waited for Jungkook to figure out what you were asking for. It was amusing to see him question your actions, and more so when he finally understood and started scrambling through his jacket pockets to retrieve the item.

Waving your hand around impatiently, he finally found the old and outdated box and handed i towards you, a mixture of hope and wonder in his eyes.

Taking the phone, you managed to open it to the home screen and enter the music app. From there, you took a great time of careful examination to find the right song for the moment. Finally finding one, you tapped it and waited for the music to play, determining your response to the boy in front of you's apology.

When he heard what emitted, a large and toothy smile cracked open upon his face.


By owner of a lovely heart.

Giggling yet again in his childish manner, Jungkook turned around to grab something out of a backpack you had not noticed before. Pulling back to face you, the boy blushed red when he held out a small bouquet of hand picked dandelions, slightly crushed and slightly bruised.

But dandelions nonetheless.

Gingerly taking them from his hand, you examined the beautiful creations of mother nature. How he knew dandelions were your favorite, you would never know.

But this moment was too precious to think about anything else, and instead you couldn't help a warm feeling in your heart, somewhere that had been cold and isolated not long ago. These flowers represented not only a one way relationship, but a two, in which the boy also cared for you so deeply as you did for them. You would never let these flowers go.

"I- um, i also have something else to ask." You looked up to meet Jungkook's shy eyes.

"I want you to meet my hyungs. All 6 of them."

You dropped the flowers.


Thank you for so kindly and patiently waiting! I'm working on another chapter now so hopefully it will be out after my last exams, so in around 4 days.

C xxox

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