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"Hey, Gaara." Sasuke walked into the Desert Auto Body shop where a scarlet haired boy stood behind the shop counter. "You called?"

"Your parts came in last night. I've got them right here, wait a sec." Gaara retreated to a backroom to find Sasuke's order. Finally returning, Gaara pushed a cart with a decent sized box into the room. "Here. All the stuff you ordered. If there's a problem, fuck it 'cause I don't care." Sasuke gave a weary glace to Gaara.

"Now Gaara. Don't you remember what I told you about customer relations?" A larger man said as he walked into the main room from an office to the right. This was Kankuro, Gaara's older brother and the owner of the shop. He looked to be about in his middle 20's and worn a weird black outfit. He also had some cool if not totally out of place and unprofessional red markings on his face. "The customer is always right, unless I personally don't like them. But Sasuke here is our best customer and deserves the best. Right?" He gave Gaara his best meaningful glare, though he never could seem to top Gaara's scariness at times.

"Well anyways, I'll get going then. You going to the... 'thing' on Saturday?" Sasuke hoped he wouldn't have to elaborate. The last thing he wanted was for the race to be broken up.

"Ya, whatever." The red-head always managed to sound thoroughly uninterested in everything.


Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp

A pink Honda blared its horn at the apartment complex. The only lights on that could be seen, seeing as it was 11:30 pm on Saturday, from the outside of the building were on the 4th floor, Naruto's room. The lights quickly went out. A minuet later, Naruto emerged from the apartment complex. He waved at Sakura in acknowledgement before getting into his own car, a yellow Cobra. Revving the engine, Sakura took off with Naruto closely after. With the races shortly commencing, several souped up cars could be seen headed toward the make-shift track.

Upon arriving, Naruto scoped out the competition. He spotted several ruff looking guys and their rides and also noted the little cliques of people who clustered together, much like high school. All he had to do was find the group he belonged to, though Sakura seemed to know where she was going. He noticed that Sakura was pulling over to the side of the road next to some familiar vehicles. A rather expensive Ferrari parked near by caught his eye, most likely Sasuke's. Sakura and Naruto exited their cars and walked over the group. Kiba was there as well as Lee, Gaara, Sasuke, Ino, and Neji.

"So it's agreed then. Lee, you get in line first, and then the rest of us will follow." Kiba seemed to have the entire thing planned out. Street races would involve the participants lining up into two parallel lines facing down a quarter mile strip of road. One pair at a time would race. Whoever got to the end and back would win. The prize is determined between the two racers right before the match, whether it be money or pink slips (1).

Sasuke noticed the arrival of Sakura and Naruto before the others. He then began to size up Naruto's car to see whether it looked like it could be any kind of challenge. Though, not much can be deduced from the outer shell of a vehicle when what really counted in a race was what's under the hood and the driver. Hopefully Naruto wasn't as much of a ditz at driving as he was at school and most likely the car packed a lot of horsepower if not a couple tanks of nitrous(2). Giving Naruto his stamp of approval, Sasuke slowly walked over to the two new arrivals.

"So, are you ready to eat your words or am I gonna have to beat you very shamefully in a race?" Sasuke's eyebrow rose questioningly.

"Please. I could beat you with my eyes closed. Besides, a fast car doesn't mean shit when the driver is totally incompetent." Naruto said while glancing sideways at the Uchiha's ride.

"Big words for such a small kid don't you think, Sakura?"

"God you two are such children. Just get in line and hopefully you two will beat the snot out of each other so I won't have to listen to your stupid little challenges." Sasuke and Naruto starred at each other.

"Fine." Sasuke turned on his heel and stomped off to his car and got in. "Get in your car and let's race...NOW NARUTO." Naruto was startled out of his daze and headed to his own car. Sasuke and Naruto got into the two lines and proceeded to wait for their turn.

"Hey, let's make this interesting. Instead of money; you probably don't have any to spare anyway; or pink slips; like I'd want your car either; let's say the loser has to shave off all his hair, k?" Sasuke seemed pretty confident at his chances of winning while yelling out his car window. 'That idiot most likely couldn't tell the nitrous injector from the turn signal.'

"Hey! What do you mean I don't have anything you'd want? I have plenty of cash and this car is worth tens times more than any car you own. And I see you watching me during class. You want my body right? Well you can't have it, so, nhya." Naruto stuck his tongue out at the black haired youth who had a disgusted look on his face.

"Please. I want your body like I want to be cut open for a triple heart bypass with love letters from my stupid fan club by a blind old dog. And I DO NOT stare at you in class. Your fat head is just in the way of the window." Sasuke turned his eyes back to the road before him. Their turn had come. "So, are you going to accept the challenge?"

"Sure, and F.Y.I, you'll look like a total moron with all of your GORGEOUS raven locks gone."

"First off, that would only happen if you were actually winning this race. And second, I would look better with no hair than you look now or will ever." Throwing a quick smirk, Sasuke pulled up to the start line, closely followed by Naruto.

A skanky girl in a tight outfit with two colored flags walked out in between and in front of the two cars. The engines of both cars roared, waiting in anticipation, waiting for the women to lower the flags. The flags rose up above the girl's head.

The cars took off, leaving the lowered flags behind them. Quickly shifting between gears both boys' cars gained speed. The red sports car began to inch ahead as lights from the closed shops on the street sped by. Noticing this, Naruto put forth all of his effort. Both cars used one shot of nitrous each causing the cars to pick up a burst of speed.

As Sasuke and Naruto reached the turning point to head back, a squad of police cars could be seen headed their way, lights blaring. Pulling a 360 the teens turned back toward the start line, tires squealing and burning. Sasuke looked over to Naruto and motioned for Naruto to follow him away from the illegal race. People at the start area were fleeing franticly, hopping into their cars and speeding off. Sasuke and Naruto flew by, seeing Sakura and the rest of the gang leaving quickly. 'Oh god, I hope they get away safely.' Naruto thought. The cops descended on to the crowd and arrested as many as they could get their cuffs on. Naruto noticed a couple cops chasing after several cars which were scurrying like fireflies, including theirs. Sasuke turned sharply into a back ally with Naruto in hot pursuit. Suddenly, Naruto's car shook violently and smoke rose from the back tire. Pulling over near a dumpster, Naruto hopped out and ran to the rear of the car to inspect the damage. The tire was shredded to ribbons.

"Hey come on, we've got to go now! The cops will be here any second. What's the matter!" Sasuke had stopped his car up ahead a little way and had run back to Naruto. His breath was quick and panting either from the adrenalin or fright.

"But my car! I can't leave it here. The cops will find it and trace it back to me and besides, it was my dad's, it's special to me!" Naruto's eyes were wide with fright, knowing that the police could be there any minute. Sasuke was taken aback for a bitby the personalinformation Naruto revealed.

"Leave it! Here, we'll hide it under this emergency stair case and cover it with that stuff over there. Then you can come with me in my car. Now hurry!" Sasuke and Naruto pushed the Cobra under the staircase and camouflaged it with trash and whatever they could find in the alley. They then rushed into Sasuke's car and sped off again after checking if the street was clear.

Naruto and Sasuke sat in silence while they rode off through the town into safe territory. Naruto looked over at Sasuke and noticed a faint glow in his eyes. He seemed to get a high from danger and eluding the cops. Whatever it was, Naruto couldn't help but find it kind of hot that Sasuke got a kick out of doing illegal stunts.

Living in the fast laneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang