EXTRA! #2 - CreepyPasta

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There are many creepy pastas out there so I decided to reveal the lesser known ones that dwell in the darkness of my mind. These are all mine, so 100% copyright. This creepy pasta is a work of my OWN. Now... Let's begin...


Recently, there was case. A very confusing and impossible case. A case that had never been seen or heard of anything similar to it before. Because one day, a young innocent girl caught a disease that had never existed until she got it.

It was a Sunday afternoon, mid summer, just about 6'o'clock. Marie Gildore, 12 year old student of Eden Grammar School for girls, was chatting with her friends in a chat room. Her cat, Snow, curled up on her lap. Then it happened. Marie fell unconscious just like that.

Snow realized right away and the health services were called almost instantly. Marie was admitted to hospital and treated. Scientists arrived when the doctors and nurses couldn't figure out what was wrong. The girl's temperature was fine, her heart rate too and it was as if she was merely sleeping, yet they couldn't wake her up.

The professionals drew some blood and went back to their labs to find a cure. Whilst her stay in the hospital, Marie was placed under 24 hour surveillance. The workers at the hospital constantly moderating her progress and health. But in the morning... She was gone.

A search party was issued but to no avail. Marie was reported missing and volunteers put up posters of the girl. Yet she was never found...Or so they thought...

Three days later an anonymous person left a unsigned note, reporting a sighting of Marie. It had a full description that matched the girl's exact likeness, but it had a sickening message. Ink was splattered all over the scrap of paper and you could barely make out the writing. It read:

'I saw a young girl down the library when I was about to lock up,

She seemed lost and scared so I walked up to her so I could offer her a lift,

As soon as I approached her, the air felt cold,

As if something bad was about to happen.

Then I saw the knife, drenched in blood and what looked like human flesh.

I turned and fled but I recall that she had dark hair and grey eyes.

She had two earrings on her right ear but only one on her left.'

A day after the note was found, a murder was reported. Keisha Lee, a volunteer at the local library was reported to have died from several stabs to the heart. Coincidence? Maybe...

After this, many murders were also carried out, all by the same stab wounds to the heart. One victim however was still barely alive when the emergency services reached him. He managed to utter, "Marie's insane," before he died.

So...? Still think it's a coincidence...?

Two months after Marie's disappearance, her parents made plans on moving out. A day later, they too were find dead. Residents who lived in the same flat complained about loud wailing noises coming from the roof. MArie's guilty feelings perhaps?

Many people became creeped out after all these strange events and a rumor was spread from one of Marie's close friends, Sall Vodorn. The rumor goes that Aya Recove, Marie's best friend, slumped unconscious during Math class and blankly mumbled the following with a voice 'that wasn't her own':

"She lives in everybody, but she found a place she liked to stay. She took her over and now she will claim the world. She has taken one girl but how many others have fallen. She will take them all. All their pitiful souls. She will rise again. She will creep up behind you, smiling like mad and then she will strike. When you least expect it, in the corner of your eye, she will appear."

What does this mean? Who is she? Has she possessed Marie?

Then, in the next few days, half of Marie's class were murdered. Aya however, survived the stab to her arm. But Sall's head was decapitated and there were much more stab wounds then there were to other victims found on the corpse.

Supernatural specialists were called in, but they too were brutally murdered. The time ticked away, the town living in fear. Aya had another brief moment, this time revealing:

"Marie already had a problem. Her multiple personality disorder had already made it easy to take her. Now she is mine to use. Mine to keep. I will keep her to claim this world and make it Insane. I am insanity itself, any this world will once again be the world it once was."

In a desperate attempt to save the world. Some other supernatural specialists sealed the town away, even though the innocent people who lived there had to be sealed away too. There could be no risks according to them. But they were wrong.

For Marie stood behind them, knife raised.

Then it came straight down.

It was only the beginning... Though they thought it was over.

Insanity is spreading will you get the fever...?


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