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Unnamed Story

The boys of 5 Seconds of Summer are superheroes. They work along side their friends, Abbey and Katie, to defeat a new and unnamed villain. This story has so many twists and turns that will leave you annoyed. Will the boys be able to defeat the villain before the villain destroys them all?

The One That Got Away

This is a Muke story. Luke gets kidnapped the morning after one of their concerts. The boys figure out who kidnapped him. It turns out to be someone they know quite closely. What will happen to Luke? What will happen to the other boys?

Another Unnamed Story

Everyone under 18 is being evacuated. There are a group of kids escaping together. They all have hidden secrets that could mean the end of them all. Will they be able to evacuate? If they evacuate, will things work out?


Atomic. The band that is taking over the world, one concert at a time. Alex, Nick, Tessa, Erin, and Raelyn. What happens when Tessa becomes jealous and kidnaps the band. Unfortunately, she has many tricks up her sleeves. Will the band ever get the help they need? What will become of them?

I am so bad at summaries. Let me know what you want to read though.

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