Chapter Five-Success

Depuis le début

"That's a lovely story, Loki." I tell him genuinely before he grins and catches my hand, holding it to his frigid lips.

"It made you forget about your pain. That is all that matters." He murmurs and I realize it's true. I completely forgot about the pain and now the medicine has kicked in. "How about some breakfast?" Before I know it, he's scooped me up in the sheets and is carrying me out the door.

"Is this necessary." I dead-pan while throwing my arm around his shoulders, knowing he won't put me down. A wide smile lights up his face as he looks down at me.

"Absolutely." He tells me, but offers no other explanation. When we arrive in the kitchen he sets me gingerly on a stool at the bar, then maneuvers around the kitchen making breakfast. "I'm making you oatmeal. That is healthiest, yes?" He pauses to ask and I nod while trying to conceal my smile. Since he's so focused he doesn't see Sam walk up to the door. Always amicable, he smiles at me before looking me up and down, then at Loki in his sleep shirt and loose sweatpants. Sam looks back at me with wide eyes and an open mouth and I slice a hand across my throat to tell him not to say anything. "Juice or coffee?" I forcibly relax when Loki looks back at me.

"Juice please. Apple." I respond and Loki nods, a ridiculously serious expression on his face. When he turns back around I look at Sam who now has a fist over his open mouth. Frantically, I wave him away with small hand movements. At first, he just shakes his head. Eventually though, he holds his fingers to his ear to tell me to call him before he jogs away. I sigh heavily as Loki takes the oatmeal from the microwave and puts a spoon in it, then presents it to me. "Thank you. Could you pass me the sugar?" I ask and he does along with a glass of juice.

"Why do you need the sugar?" Loki asks interestedly. I take the spoon and scoop a heaping pile of sugar on it, then sprinkle it on the top.

"Well, I dislike things that taste healthy, so I need something sweet to disguise the taste." I explain as he watches me intently.

"I'm shocked your lips don't sweeten it enough." He teases and I roll my eyes.

"You have no clue what my lips taste like, Loki Friggason." I point out and his eyes alight with mischief.

"That can easily be changed." Loki continues, rubbing a finger over his bottom lip while staring at mine. It takes me a moment to look back up at his eyes and I know he notices.

"I don't think so, buddy." I deny him and continue eating. His eyes watch me and I fearlessly stare back, although I'm tempted to laugh a couple times.

The next week and a half passes quicker than I thought it would. Finally, the pain is gone and I can move around on my own, but still, Loki is more often than not by my side. I'm surprised that I don't mind. Our witty banter keeps me on my toes, as well as his continued idea that he's courting me. I've still no idea what to do, but I can't remember feeling happier than when I'm with him...or more irritated.

"I'm going back to my room. There's no need for you to babysit me anymore now that I'm healed." I insist, grabbing the notebook he gave me and putting it on top of the handful of my clothes I've gathered from his room. Thankfully, I managed to grab some of my own clothes, like the shorts and tank top I'm wearing. I grab one of his shirts without his noticing before slipping past him and out the door.

"Have you forgotten there's a man who wishes you harm? That has not been found?" He asks, easily keeping up with my quick steps.

"Tony increased security and fixed the window that you broke. I'm sure it's fine." I assure him and walk into my room, placing the clothes in my dresser and the notebook in my bedside chest. He sighs irately, but when I look at him I get concerned. "Oh no. Don't start thinking mischief about this. I know that expression. This is my decision and it's final." I tell him with my hands firmly planted on my hips.

"Fine. If you won't leave, then I won't be leaving either." He states and crosses his arms in his stubborn stance. We stare off for a minute before I huff.

"Loki, you can't be around me all the time. People will start to talk." I try to reason with him, but my words just bring a smirk to his face. Loki walks over to me and lets his hands trail down my arms.

"And what would people say?" He asks with bright eyes. His hand reaches up and lets a finger trace my jaw down my neck to my collar bone. I shiver at his touch, but don't look away. "Would they think we were sleeping together? Making love beneath the sheets every night and into the morning?" Loki whispers his questions while moving closer to me. His hands land on my waist and my neck to keep me close, but after seeing him take care of me for so resistance is weak. Those blue eyes sparkle as he watches his touch take hold over me. "I'm puzzled by your fight, darling. Nothing would change if we were to be betrothed. He tells me genuinely, then smirks. "Although, I believe you might be more susceptible to being charmed into bed." He can't help but tease, coaxing a small laugh from me.

"We've talked about this." I murmur disapprovingly, but his lips are distracting when they're so close to mine.

"Yes. We've spoken our words, but not communicated. What is that annoying saying you favor? Communication is key." He quotes and I tilt my head back to laugh.

"I'm shocked you listened." I reply, gasping slightly when his lips land on my neck. Gently, he kisses my throat before retreating and meeting my eyes once again.

"Over all this time you have never spoken against me. You desire me, you care for me, so what is it that keeps you from me, darling?" Loki asks, frustration creeping into his voice.

"Well, uh, I..." I stammer, trying to come up with an answer but finding none. Another second passes before I answer, "Nothing." The word slips out without thought and we both realize it at the same time. Next, I'm leaning in and finally pressing my lips to his.

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