Chapter One-Party

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Chapter One


My lips perch on the edge of my champagne glass while I lurk around the edges of the room, feeling the bubbles from my drink dot my upper lip. The baby blue color of my satin dress allows me to blend in with the cool greys that decorate the ballroom and I'm immensely grateful for it. While Tony's parties are always a good time, there seems to be more creeps here than usual. I jump when I feel a cold hand ghosts over the skin of my back, getting my hair to stand on end. There isn't any need to turn and see who it is. Even if the cold emanating off him wasn't enough, his voice when he whispers in my ear is unmistakable.

"You look ravishing, my dear. Are you sure you won't allow me to steal you away?" He teases and I roll my eyes before turning towards him behind me.

"Administration wouldn't exactly smile upon that, Loki Friggason." I reply as he bends down and kisses my hand. He straightens and I can't help but admire his navy suit. The lapels are black and match his tie and hair. I'm pleased to find his hair to be curlier than he usually allows, it gives his visage a more whimsical feeling than his normal hair. A smirk finds it's way to his face and I brace myself for snark.

"That isn't a no." He points out and the corner of my lips turn up. "May I have this dance?" He questions, but is already sweeping me onto the dancefloor. Still a prince, he keeps his hand modestly high on my waist although his fingers on my skin make me wish that maybe he didn't.

"Is this appropriate?" I ask worriedly, glancing around at the other guests staring at us in horror. Well, mostly Loki. Thankfully, no one with authority is doing so. I've been assigned to be Loki's handler, I was assigned the moment he and I were introduced and we stared each other down for three straight minutes before we both cracked a smile. Shockingly, we manage not to kill the other on most days. I wouldn't even call us friends...we just...go together.

"If you're hoping I've suddenly taken a care for rules, you're woefully mistaken." Loki sasses and he makes me forget that I'm dancing with my charge for a moment. I look into his blue eyes and shake my head.

"You forget that I know you're actually a decent person." I remind him as we dance slowly to the music. It may be a waltz, but Loki knows I can't dance and settles for gently swaying back and forth. He shakes his head with a small smile and a sigh.

"You believe I'm a decent person. There is a slight nuance there, I think. Personally, I quite think I'm a magnificent god, but..." He trails off as I laugh.

"Sweetie, there's a difference between being a good person and a god. It's more important to have a good heart. We've talked about this." I sigh, wishing he'd be more open with me instead of using bravado all the time. Through the months we've met and spoken one on one, he hasn't been completely honest with me. I'll happily take whatever he's willing to give, but it's frustrating when I can't help anymore because of lack of information.

"Your standard is too high, stubborn woman. Not all of us can have such a heart as yours." He compliments me and my eyes widen because of it. A compliment, a genuine compliment, from Loki is not to be overlooked.

"Thank you, but you overestimate me." I tell his blue eyes, watching him watching me. He stares into my soul as his fingers imperceptibly rub my back.

"Doubtful." He states and I swallow, slightly intimidated by the fire in his eyes. Suddenly, a man places a hand on Loki's shoulder and we stop our slow sway.

"May I interrupt?" He asks in what seems like a nice way, but Loki's eyes instantly narrow with distaste.



We answer simultaneously, but after shooting him a look and gently shoving his shoulder, Loki storms off. I dance with a few nice strangers before running into Sam Wilson and getting a reprieve from putting on a façade for the strangers.

"Evening, lion tamer." I giggle at the name and playfully slap the back of Sam's head, eliciting a grin from him. "How is the lion tonight? Last time I saw him he seemed to be pacing in his cage." Sam continues his euphemism while I scan the room for Loki, finally finding him already staring at me from the bar. I fight my smile and look back at Sam.

"The lion is fine, thank you. How's yours?" I shoot back, grinning as he sighs and looks over my shoulder at Steve.

"Stubborn as always, but better. Happy to have his sultry friend back." Sam reports and I can see the happiness in his eyes. I'd always thought Sam was rather like a dog in his loyalty, as well as how his happiness seems to depend on his friend's. Gently, I squeeze and release his shoulder.

"You're a good friend, Sam." I remark, smiling comfortably at him. "We need to have a friend day." I state and he guffaws, shaking his head at me.

"You just want to steal more of my sweatshirts!" He accuses and I shrug, admitting to it.

"They're roomie and smell so nice. What if I traded you one I already have for a new one?" I propose, but he doesn't get a chance to answer because of the man storming towards me. Before reaching Sam the man pauses, collects himself, and puts on a charming smile.

"May I interrupt, buddy?" He asks, already taking my hand.

"I'll call you!" Sam calls as Jamie drags my shock filled body out the party doors and shuts them harshly behind us.

"What...what on earth are you doing here?" I finally ask after gaining my bearings. Jamie's hulking frame stands far too close to me and I cower under him.

"Me? What about you?" He hisses, his normally smooth blonde hair looking electrified and his brown eyes looking crazed.

"I work here!" He interrupts me before I can keep going.

"I mean why are you here in the first place? We were in a relationship before you up and left!" He shouts in my face and I shut my eyes to keep out his spit. Anger and surprise runs through me at his words.

"What? We were no longer in a relationship because you fucking cheated on me, asshole!" I shoot back, now absolutely livid. In a second Jamie's hand has shot out and slapped me across the face so hard that I crumple to the floor.

"It was one time. One time in two years, baby!" He pleads as if he didn't just hit me. I stand and take a breath.

"I'm not your baby and if you know what's good for you, you'll leave. Follow me and I'll stab you with the ice sculpture." I threaten and walk quickly back through the doors to the party. As soon as I'm surrounded by the protection of strangers, the adrenaline wears off and I can now feel the intense stinging of my cheek. With tears in my eyes I look around for Sam or Tony, but only find unfamiliar faces. That is; until I'm jerked backwards.

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