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On July 24th, 2012 Lucy and Ty met one last time before Lucy moved away to Arizona.

" Lucy I had a great time with you" said Ty.

" I know...I hate the fact that I have to leave you" said Lucy.

"Ugh can't you just stay with me? My house is big enough for two people didn't you ask your dad to stay?" Asked Ty.

" my father said no ugh " said Lucy.

Lucy's dad honked the car horn to tell Lucy to go in the car.

" Well...I guess this is year..the best year of my great love if moving away and I might never see her again..." Said Ty.

" well maybe one day we can see Each other again and continue this great relationship" said Lucy.

" I love you Lucy" said Ty.

" I love you too" said Lucy.

The two kissed one last time and Lucy got into the car and waved at Ty and Ty waved back. That was it for the relationship they had....or was it?

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