Chapter Two: A Secret Message

Start from the beginning

Inside in the file is an assortment of information but none of it is legible. A symbol catches my eye: It's a upside down triangle with a circle around the tip pointing down. I turn the page and see another one but I can't tell what it means but it's a circle with a line through it and with it are two curved lines that make and arrow. Before I can get to another page, the file is ripped away from me. I snap my head up to see two brown lifeless eyes staring at me.

"There she's briefed, now can I get back to work? or do you want bother me some more?" The Aussie asks turning to the older German man.

"Nien, I vill leave now, but I do not zink it is a good idea Doctor to experiment on zee girl." He says looking at me almost sadly, but he turns and leaves the room.

"Now where were we? Ah yes I remember." He says pushing me down forcefully, pinning me down effectively while he restrains me once again. "Now be a good girl and be still." He says peering down at me filling me with a sickening feeling. He picks the scalpel up once again bringing it to my right eye. He holds it open as he starts to slice at my cornea making me scream wishing I was dead.


I wake up screaming, panting, and covered in a sheen of sweat. I feel my eye as it stings as if my dream really happened. I pull my hand away, but there's no blood to be seen. It was just a dream. I feel behind my ear just to make sure and I feel a raised skin all the way from the top of the backside of my ear to the bottom. A scar from long ago. It wasn't a dream, it was a memory. I hug my knees into myself and rock back and forth as tears leak from my eyes. I tug at my hair, trying to pull myself back to reality as I try and shake the dream or memory rather.

After a few minutes, I calm down just as the first light of the morning sun shines on the horizon. I sit there staring at the orange, yellow and blue pallet as it fills the sky. I feel the warmth of the sun on my face and close my eyes, knowing that I won't have to experience that kind of torture anymore.

I get up and walk over to the ledge, looking down over the side I see that the alley is completely empty and it's safe to jump down. So I do, landing with a thud as my boots hit the pavement. I climb back over the fence and head toward the museum, rushing to get there before noon, before it even opens. The city is just as busy in the morning as it is in the evening, which makes it difficult to move past people crowding the sidewalk.

After finally arriving at the museum I know I don't have much time before it opens, but I still circle the building and it surrounds for any sign of the two mercenaries from yesterday. After seeing no sign of them and knowing it's safe, I enter through the back breaking the lock to do so. I carefully make my way to Bucky's memorial and leave a symbol I know he will understand, the symbol from my memory. I carefully carve a small upside down triangle with a circle around the tip on the corner of the glass. Then on the plaque in front of the glass memorial I draw the second symbol I saw with the arrow pointing to the back of the museum.

I hurry and leave the exposed area when I hear keys jingling near the doors to open them up to the public. I head to the place where I entered and wait. I can hear the bustle of excited tourists as they enter, chattering about all the things they want to see. I smell so many new scents ranging from: Aftershave or perfume to body odor and coffee breath and everything in between.

It's been a few hours and there's been no sign of HIM. I'm starting to get worried that he's been captured. Where are they after him too? Did they know he'd been compromised? Or did he just decide he's had enough of this place? I start pacing when I hear high heels clacking on the tile floors coming down the hallway where I am waiting. I look around frantically searching for a place to hide, but seeing none. My heart starts racing as I think of what to do to conceal myself, when as if by luck whoever it is turns and goes the other way. I clutch my chest in relief and lean against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar male voice questions. Turning to look at him feeling ashamed that he has taken me by surprise, I answer, "I see you got my message."

"Yes I got it. Care to tell me how we are compromised and why you lead me here?" He asks, raising an eyebrow waiting for my response.

"I was tailed by two mercenaries yesterday after leaving here. SHIELD released all of our information into the web, probably to expose HYDRA and stop Pierce. I was caught because of you, because you established a pattern. I'm being hunted because of you, so thanks a lot." I say snidely.

"Actually you're being hunted because of your careless actions. You decided to follow me, I didn't ask nor did I want you to. As for me, you've probably led them to me, so thanks a lot." His mockery gets under my skin.

"Look I came to warn you so, you're welcome. I'm sorry if they come after you but if we work together we stand a better chance at going against them."

"I'll take my chances."

"Why are you being so difficult?!"

"Because I don't know you and I don't trust you."

"I understand that! I wouldn't trust me either if I were in your shoes. I understand that you don't know who to trust anymore, but I'm trying to help you here. Can't you see that?"

"I'll take my chances alone. Now go before they come in to get you, and stay away from me. I don't want any trouble and you seem to surround yourself with it." He says before turning and leaving. I can feel frustration building up inside me. THAT STUBBORN MAN! I bawl up my fists and hold them at my sides, trying to regain some self control. I turn to the exit door behind me getting ready to bust out of it and leave this frustrating city, when it opens before I can even touch it. Two people step through one a man with dark brown greasy hair and beady dark eyes, and the other a female with bleached blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here Kable. Seems the pretty song bird has yet to leave the nest." The blonde woman says as her eyes scan me from top to bottom.

"Grab her." The man, Kable, says lunging toward me with outstretched hands. I turn to get away as a rough hand grabs my wrist and jerks me backwards.

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