How To Have Fun

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When she wakes up the shine shines through the cracks in her boarded window. The door is still shut, and the house is silent, yet outside birds can be heard.

Silas lies there, silent. She feels unmotivated for anything, yet knows she can't just sit in bed all day. She sits up, recalling the previous day and mentally assessing it. She froze as she remembered crying. "Water..." she muttered under her breath.

Morbus is downstairs in the kitchen, melting Carmel.

She can smell the caramel and turns her head to the door. She swallows and rubs the sleep from her eyes, feeling exhausted even after resting. She stood, making her way downstairs slowly.

He stands by the stove, the kitchen empty except for a wooden table and a counter for cooking. All that's out is a bag of apples and some Carmel. She sees him and glances to the side. She holds herself lightly, not sure about anything. She moves into the kitchen, leaning on the counter by the door. "...sorry..." she speaks softly, her throat sore.

He jolts, forgetting she was there for a moment. He turns to face her "For what...?" She looks down. "...crying... it must have hurt you... but..." she pulls on the sleeve of her jacket. "...Also, thank you..."

His eyes glance down at the small welts on his chest. He touches them lightly with one hand. "It is not a problem. And youre welcome." He pulls out a rusty cookie sheet and stabs the apples with popsicle sticks.

She watches. After a moment she swallows. "D-do I have to go to school...?"

He shakes his head "Not today. And tomorrow Is Saterday, so you have a whole weekend yo relax." He pours the Carmel on the apples.

She nods, feeling as if she had said all she needed. She stands and watches, focusing on the smell of caramel to distract herself.

He finishes then cleans up his mess. He looks at her "It will be a while until they are finished."

She looks up at him as if she was in a daze. "What? Oh... that's fine..." her voice is soft as she speaks.

"... is something the matter...?" He looks away from her, turning away as well knowing he isn't too pleasant to be around.

She shakes her head. " I just..." she keeps her head down. " mom..."

"Yes... what of her...?" He glances at her.

"I... never mind it's nothing." She brushes through her messy hair with her hands. "I don't know what I expected..."

"Not speaking with me will cause problems. But if you wish to keep it to yourself, very well." He walks out and into the garden.

She sits down on the floor of the kitchen, not wanting to leave the smell of caramel. Silas thinks through what was troubling her. Carol... she had tried to hurt her... that wasn't an everyday thing. It has happened before with other people. She didn't have a connection with her mom, so she didn't feel that her relationship had an affect on her. She was glad to be away.

Morbus jumps into a tree and climbs to the top. He looks out at the forest and listens to the birds.

She sighs. "It's better now..." she whispers. She swallows and gets to her feet. She turns, debating going outside. Silas figured Morbus tended to distance himself, despite not wanting to be alone. Or... maybe he just couldn't feel emotion the same way. He said that he felt happiness and he was so surprised. She decides that must be the case, yet she wasn't sure what she would say if she even went outside to find him. She turned to the oven, staring for a moment. She sighs.

Morbus places a hand to his chest, feeli mg the beating of his heart. He looks confused. "It never did this before..." he looks at his hand and continues to feel it, trying to listen.

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