Chapter 2

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It's been about three days and it was mine and Zyler's first day of school. I turned on some music and got out of bed. I looked through my boxes. I still haven't totally unpacked, I was more worried about decorating my room than anything else. I finally found an outfit. I got on capris that have holes in them, with a black tank top that showed a little bit of my stomach. Then a plaid jacket, I found socks and my adidas. I went to the bathroom and pulled my hair back in a pony tail. I lightly did my makeup and went down stairs. I packed my bag last night and put it in my brothers car. So that's one thing I don't have to worry about.

"Hey kiddo breakfast is done." Dad said setting a plate on the table.

"Great, I'm hungry." I said walking over to the table and sat down. Soon my brother came down. He looked nicer than me.

"Wow sis, did you even try?" He asked teasingly.

"I don't care, I just wanna get throw this year." I mumbled and stuffed my face with food. I finished my food and put my plate in my sink. I got in the fridge and started to pack my lunch. I packed what I wanted and sighed. "You ready to go?" I asked looking at Zyler.

"Yeah Just let me grab my bag." He said taking care of his plate and ran up stairs.

"Have a good day at school honey." I nodded and went out to my brothers  car. I got in and soon and Zyler came out and threw his bag in the back and he drove off. I sighed softly and put in headphones. After a good ten minutes we got to the school, I took my headphones off and stuck them around my neck. I grabbed my bag from the back and got out.

"You have your scheduled?" Zyler asked walking over to me. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's in my bag." I said softly and walked beside him. He got in his bag and handed me a map.

"It's the map of the school, I have a photo on my phone." I nodded.

"Alright, well I'm going to go find my class." Zyler nodded and walked away. I sighed softly and went inside. I found my locker and opened it up. I sighed softly and put my bag in there. I wasn't going to need it. Since I had PE for my first hour. I grabbed my gym bag though, I grabbed the map and my schedule. I sighed and walked down the hall way. Most kids were dressed up or looking like a hobo. While I was in between. I looked nice but I didn't all at the same time. All well, I wasn't here to impress anyone. I sighed and found the locker room. I walked in and the office for the coach was in there. I knocked on the door. She looked up at me.

"Oh you must be Nora." I nodded.

"Yep, that's me." I said softly. She smiled and got up.

"Follow me." I sighed and followed her to a gym locker. "This will be your locker here, you can put a lock on it if you want, but you don't have too."

"Oh alright, thanks." I said softly and put my bag in there.

"Well get changed the other girls will be in here soon." I nodded and she went back to her office. I sighed and got my gym clothes out. Then the bell rang and more girls came in. I started to undress, I got my tank top on and my shorts along with my gym shoes.

"Alright girls we're going outside!" The teacher yelled. The girls all lined up at a door, open of them opened it and we went outside. I followed everyone, I wasn't sure where I was going. Soon we went out on the football field. It looks like the guys were already outside. I looked around and saw my brother. He looked like he was already making friends. I smiled and walked over.

"Zyler," I said with a smile. Zyler turned and looked at me. "I didn't know you had gym." He nodded.

"Oh yeah, hey Nora this is Sebastian and his friend Andrew." I smiled.

"I'm the sister that ruins everything." Sebastian, I think, chuckled.

"I doubt that, a cute thing like you?"

"Oh trust me she does." Zyler said softly. I rolled my eyes and I saw a few girls looking over at us.

"So your brother here was just saying how you two moved here from London, I bet that was a big change." I nodded.

"Yeah, it was kinda difficult for me." I said softly. Soon the teachers blew the whistle. I sighed and looked around. I saw something or someone move from under the bleachers.

"Hey sis you okay?" I nodded.

"Mhmm," I hummed. Let's just get through this day.

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