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(A/N: I hope you didn't mind one more day of "unupdatiness"...  I've been fairly busy! I made a virtual unbreakable vow, too... XD I think I might be virtually half dead. §.§ I think this story is going somewhere - chapter seven, baby! I'm proud... ^.^ Anyway, enjoy this chapter! :D


"Lils, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, Alice. Potions is my best subject, you know."

Alice laughed. "Oh yeah!" She said sarcastically, but her voice was full of humour. "I remember!"

Lily shook her head at her friend, chuckling to herself. Alice did have her moments.

"I just don't want to get a "Poor" in Potions."

Lily laughed again. "Do you really think I would let us get anything less than an "Acceptable"?"

"Well, no, because you're really smart."

"Aww, shucks..."

"It's so true, and you know it!"

Lily's cheeks turned pink. "Thanks, Al..."

Alice grinned. "Of course. Not only is it true, it's well known. Everybody knows you're the best in the year at nearly every subject."

Lily's cheeks turned, if possible, even pinker. She couldn't think of anything to say. Speechless as she was, she gave Alice a teary-eyed smile which reached her ears, and Alice replied with a knowing look, then took interest once again in her essay.

"Argh..." Moaned Alice, tapping the end of her quill to her temple and closing her eyes, trying to think. "Where are Shrivelfigs -"

"Oh, um..." Lily interrupted her, motioning with her finger with every syllable. "I know that the best specimens are found in Abyssinia..."

Alice nodded and slapped her forehead in realisation, then turned back to her essay and began scribbling.

Lily gazed out of the window. Rain had started to pour lightly outside, though she could see the beautiful sunset through the slight mist. There were sheets of red, gold and purple framing themselves in the sky. It would be a lovely day tomorrow.

The fire in the common room blazed warmly. The crackling in the hearth spoke comforting words in Lily's ears and she slumped back in the back of the sofa. Apart from the mixed sounds of the fire and the rain, she could hear the scratching of Alice's quill. When the scratch of quill tip on parchment ceased, she opened her eyes and sat up.

"You alright, Al?"

"Oh, yeah..." Alice replied, peeking back at Lily for a split second before turning back to her essay on the attributes of Shrivelfigs and their uses in potion-making. "I just... There's this other property of Shrivelfigs, but I can't think of what it is..." She trailed off, tapping the side of her forehead with her quill again.

"Here," Lily sat forward. "Let me have a look at it for you." She picked the parchment up off the table.

"Thanks, Lils..." Alice sat back, stretched and closed her eyes, just as an audible yawn escaped her lips. "Ugh... What time is it?"

"Dunno, it can't be too late, it's only just gone sunset." Lily answered monotonously, her eyes scanning the parchment. She lightly laughed. "Al, your handwriting is terrible."

"I know, don't remind me of it."

Lily's laugh was louder this time. Alice grinned in reply, her eyes still closed.

Other than the two of them, there was nobody in left in the common room apart from a couple of boys playing wizard chess next to the same window Lily was looking out of earlier and a girl in one of the armchairs by the fire, immersed in a book.

The Secrets of the MaraudersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang