(Princess Sequel) Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Prince Wilfred blushed at the sight of the boy staring at him with gleaming eyes. I giggles softly and smiled.


After that, we took the boy back to the farm.

Woman: "I can't believe it..."

Woman: "Thank you so much for saving my boy. No one got hurt, right?"

Regina: "No, the boy is fine. And so am I."

The boy's mother let out a sigh of relief.

Woman: "Well... good. I'm so sorry for all the trouble."

His mother said humbly as giving Prince Wilfred a bow.

Wilfred: "Don't be... we're the ones who put him in danger, so I'm sorry for that."

Woman: "Please, don't worry about that."

As we spoke back and forth.

Boy: "And then Prince Wilfred came in all like FWOOSH and totally beat the bad guy!"

I could hear the boy's cheerful voice in the house. He was telling the farmers proudly about what had just happened. The middle-aged man smiled in amusement as he watched.

Older Man: "Goodness gracious, now Prince Wilfred himself has vanquished some villains for us."

Prince Wilfred smiled awkwardly at that.

Wilfred: "Really, it was just..."

Just then, Claude stepped into the house.

Claude: "Prince Wilfred, I have turned the men over to the police."

Wilfred: "Good."

He nodded and bowed his head to the farmers.

Wilfred: "I'll be taking my leave now, then. Until next time."

Woman: "Yes, do take care."

Regina: "Enjoy your evening."

We moved to leave the house, and... the boy came running up to us happily.

Boy: "Thanks for everything, Prince Wilfred, Miss-... er, Princess Regina."

Boy: "Come play with me again, okay?"

He said as looking up at us with a smile.

Regina: "Sure. But you can call me Miss if you like."

The boy tilted his head.

Boy: "But princes are supposed to protect princesses, right?"

Boy: "So you can't be Miss, you have to be Princess!"

(Wait what...?)

Prince Wilfred chuckled at that.

Wilfred: "He's right. But all men are princes..."

Wilfred: "And they'll all find princesses to protect."

Wilfred: "When you find one, you'd better look after her."

He patted the boy on the head.

Boy: "...Yeah!"

And a feeling of warmth spread throughout the house.


On the drive back.

Claude: "Prince Wilfred, Lady Regina..."

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