King: "What do you mean by that?"

When they spoke...

Minister A: "You're just trying to talk your way out of it!"

Minister B: "Wasn't it you who gathered all the authorizations then, Minister Adolph?"

Minister C: "Yes, now I remember too."

Minister C: "It was definitely Minister Adolph..."

Minister C: "Who suggested the who system of local levies in the guise of shipping fees."

Several ministers suddenly broke into the conversation. My heart gave a loud thump.

(That's not what those three were saying about the authorizations at the last meeting...!)

Wilfred: "Is that right?"

Prince Wilfred's question made Minister Adolph grow pale and he shake his head fervently.

Adolph: "No, it wasn't me! I know nothing of this!"

The ministers raised their voices as if trying to drown him out.

Minister A: "You still deny about this late in the game!?"

Minister A: "Prince Wilfred, surely this man has been plotting against the throne to escape his own crimes."

Minister A: "He could have even paid off Claude."

Minister B: "Good point. We'll vouch against him."

Minister B: "So, what if you dismissed him..."

Minister B: "And pleaded complete ignorance of the document coverup?"

Minister C: "A captail idea!"

Minister C: "It's a good thing that we're the only ones with knowledge of this."

The three ministers spoke vehemently... but the others all remained silent.

(Are these three up to something...?)

(Come to think of it, something hasn't felt right about these people from the start...)

I thought to myself and I looked toward to Prince Wilfred as only for my eyes to meet his eyes.


His lips curled into a faint smile.

Wilfred: "I see. An excellent suggestion."

Wilfred: "Why don't we do just that, Your Majesty?"

(Wait, what...? Wilfred can't be serious, can he...?)

King: "Mm, good plan."

King: "We shall have Minister Adolph take full responsibility for this series of incidents."

(What? Now the King, too...?)

They nodded to each other and Minister Adolph just stood there as all blood drained from his face.

Adolph: "Your Majesty, Prince Wilfred, are you insane?"

Adolph: "Even if it's to protect the nation and you would do this to me...?"

King: "Come, now. Aren't you the one behind all of this anyway?"

As the King spoke, Prince Wilfred glanced to Claude who was back to standing by.

Wilfred: "And you, Claude."

Wilfred: "What a pity to see you betray me after all the trust I put in you."

Be My Princess: Wilfred A. Spencer (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя