(Princess Sequel) Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Wilfred: "The royal family's responsibility in this matter is unavoidable."

King: "Yes, I'm well aware."

King: "By the way, about Regina..."

That mention made Prince Wilfred's eyes tremble.

Wilfred: "Yes, sir. I'll keep her as distanced from this as I can."

King: "Good man. I'll tell the same to Claude."

Their expressions were grim. And their discomfort was spreading across all of Philip Castle.


I wasted no time watching Claude's new trick when we got back to my bedroom.

Claude: "Huh... how odd. It's supposed to..."

He said when he moving his hands, and... some short, thin lengths of rope came spiling out all over the floor.

(Wait... does that mean he messed it up?)

An awkward silence filled the room, and he bowed his head in a fluster.

Claude: "I-I beg your pardon."

Claude: "I, ah... haven't practiced this one much yet... my apologies..."

I giggled as he stood there dejectedly.

Regina: "It's fine... but thank you. I appreciate you trying to cheer me up."

He smiled back to me in relief.

Claude: "Lady Regina, I'll bring some fresh tea."

I sighed softly as alone in the room again.

(I really do appreciate his desire to be nice to me, but...)

My earnest desire to see Prince Wilfred remained entirely unabated.


The night of the emergency cabinet meeting in Philip Castle. In a certain hotel, a lone man sigh to himself in frustration.

(This is quite a setback.)

(The shipping fee matter came to light before I could see it properly handled...)

(And soon as responsibility will fall to even me...)

The man thought to himself as he stared at... the documents that had been the talk of the Philip Castle cabinet meeting.

(Whatever the case, I'll be ruined if I don't do this right.)

(What I need now is to manufacture a traitor...)

He looked away from the documents and he picked up his cell phone then he placed a call.

Man: "Yes, Claude? I have a favor to ask of you, and it's quite important..."


Several days later.

Claude: "Lady Regina, Prince Stephen and Lady Cecille have come calling."

Regina: "...Wow, they are?"

Prince Wilfred's elder brother Prince Stephen and his wife is Lady Cecille. She had once been Prince Wilfred's fiancee. But now, she was married to Prince Stephen and living happily with him.

(But why a visit on such short notice?)

I wondered as stepping out to greet them.

Stephen: "When I first heard the news, I was ready to run out and congratulate to you..."

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