"Why?" It's really bright and I start to squint. So he blocks out the sun more and is super close to my face.

"So I can see you when I kiss you." He smiles. His lips touch mine and I'm lost for words. He is like an amazingly good kisser.

We are interrupted by the Banks, "Weston....Cecilia..."

We both look up at the same time and Weston rolls back over to his back.

No one says anything. Then Mr. Banks says, "Where is Emily?"

I sit up to look out into the waves coming in. I see her with Mason and they are laughing. I point in her direction. "There she is."

"Do you know who she is talking to?"

"Oh she is with my cousin, Mason," says Weston without even looking. "I forgot that his family was coming down here. They live in South Carolina. He is a really good dude, you guys would like him." He tells them.

"Uh huh!" Says Mrs. Banks. She doesn't wait to call after her. "Emily come on."

Emily walks up with Mason by her side and she seems more annoyed than anything. "What?"

"I want to get pictures of you guys." She holds up her camera and shakes it.

"Seriously now?" She looks towards Mason, "Sorry my mom has this thing about taking pictures."

"It's totally cool, no big deal." He seems relaxed and easy going.

For the next hour, Mrs. Banks takes oodles of pictures of all of us. I requested for one with my feet in the sand so that I can frame later. We also have some of us buried in the sand with only our heads showing, a few running along the beach with water rushing up to us and of course some in the water. She says she will give me prints of everything when we get back home. I have never had so much fun in my life.

The rest of the week we mostly stay on the beach. But when we were not on the beach we were out exploring the area or sleeping. Weston and I never seem to get alone time and I think the Banks planned it that way.

On Friday, the Banks are going out so Weston and I are going out with Emily and Mason. The Banks agreed to it as long as we all stick together, no alone time that is, ha-ha. Yes, Emily and Mason hit it off just as Weston had planned. We head out to a seafood restaurant and then go to the movies. By the time we get home its going on ten o'clock. And the Banks are still out.

"Anyone want to go for a late swim?" Mason asks.

We all agree and go change then meet up back on the beach. Emily goes off with Mason. So that leaves the two of us alone, finally.

There is a full moon out tonight along with a zillion stars. Instead of going into the water, we decide to stay on the beach. I lie down and gaze up at the night sky. He lies beside me.

"I love it here." I tell him. I gaze into the night hoping to see another shooting star.

"I figured you would." I feel his hand gently touch mine and then our fingers intertwine.

"Apart of me wants to stay here. I mean if it wasn't for Grammy and Pops I think I would."

"Maybe after we graduate we can come back and stay for good."

"Maybe." This time I roll over on my side to look at him. "So what are your plans after you graduate?"

"Honestly I haven't thought about it much. I'm just enjoying the moment." He smiles. "Besides I have a whole year to decide right?"

He rolls to his side to face me. I love the way his eyes sparkle in the night and a smile forms across his face. He stares into my eyes what seems like forever. I shouldn't feel nervous around him but suddenly I have that feeling in my stomach, those little butterflies fluttering around. I get this tingling feeling all down my body and I know it's not from the wind that is lightly blowing in the air. I feel like he wants to ask me something , like I can see inside his soul contemplating on how to bring something up but not sure if he should or not.

I start to giggle, "What?" I finally ask him.

"Nothing, I just like looking at you. You are so beautiful." He taps my nose with his finger.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever don't tell me what you are really thinking."

He sits up, turning to me to look right at me. "Actually I do want to say something I just don't know how."

Ok this seems serious so I rise up and sit facing him. Maybe this is it between us you know. Maybe he has had enough of me and ready to move on. I mean it is our senior year in school and maybe he wants a fresh start. I mean he deserves better right. I'm just not good enough for him. Maybe I should do it before he does. But it's not what I want. I want to live the rest of my life with him. But if that is what he wants I will understand. All these thoughts run through my mind within seconds and I'm trying to get myself ready for it; he's about to tell me...hold it together Cecilia, I tell myself.

"A few months ago we met in the strangest way. It's not like either of us planned it, but you came into my life...you brought me back alive...literally."

"Weston if..." I start to say that's okay and I understand but he stops me.

"Please let me finish before I lose my nerve." He takes a deep breath. "There is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking about you. Every second of the day, I think of you. Anyway...I...I..."

Oh God here it comes; he is about to say it. He reaches into his pocket of his shorts and pulls out something. He hides it in his hand for a second but then gradually opens it up to reveal a silver ring in his hand. My eyes tear up...wait what...I wasn't ready for this.

"Cecilia...I know we haven't been together long but I want to be with you. I know you are the one for me. This..." He holds up the ring for me to see it. "This is a promise ring for you. I want you to wear it, it's a promise that I will always be here. I will always be yours."

His hand is shaking. I look at the ring and notice that it has a mint green jewel in the middle. I am in awe.

"Look I have been trying to get you alone all week to give this to you. Would you wear it...do you promise to be with me forever...I love you Cecilia."

I nod my head yes and I don't think I have ever smiled so big in my life. Tears fall silently as I hold my hand up for him to glide the ring on my finger.

"Cecilia I promise to always protect you and be there for you."

Our lips collide into one another and before I even realize it I'm straddling his lap. I'm still holding on to him when Emily comes over. "Oh my God guys....get a freaking room."

"We are just kissing." I tell him.

"Yeah will you may want to get off of him...Sorry Weston another time the parents are home." She says as she points towards the condo.

We turn at the same time to look to where she is pointing and sure enough they are back. Not only that but they are staring right back at us.

Protecting CeciliaWhere stories live. Discover now