completely (2)

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Edd's POV

I sat in the tent with the can of cola Matt got for me. I was so happy because of it, tom sat on his 'bed' and hugged on the stuffy he was so happy. I put the can in a hiding place so I can drink it later, I know for a fact that soon I be tooken for more experments again and I don't want it going flat. How did I find out about cola? Well once Matt got some for himself since he wanted something to drink rather then water and it so happens to be cola. While he wasn't watching I took it and Drake from it and loved it!! He promised me more and he is ferfilling it.
Two men walked into are tent and they told me to come with them and that I did. I got up and walked with them. Kids stared they known what's going to happen. When you get here you have 3 options to pick from and you have to do it
1- you can do experments
2- a drug tester
3- training to be a guard
The last one is bad not many pick it since... Ya. You will have theses till you hit 18 when you eather get killed, or used for food which is still death to you, or you do the killing, you don't get to pick sadly. But soon the men took me into the large biulding, they taking me to the room I always go in. As we enter the place you can hear children screams from in pain or just fear. That's what happens here. When you turn 3 they ask you what you want to do, they explain what they going to do for each and you can't change it later. With that out of the way we are good now. The men took me to the room and told me to go onto the table and that I did, they strapped me down and left soon he came in. The man was a red head with blueish green eyes mainly blue, his hair spiked up kinda like matts but it was more to the side. He wore a purple cape with a golden butten with a g on it, he wore a blue shirt under it. He was 6.5 feet so he was really huge to me. The man walked up and rubbed his hand on my face, he wore black gloves there. He smirked and smiled "young man, your going to be the tester for a new serum from a new worker today" he said
"W-what.." this isn't what I'm expecting, a new one? I am so used to the other person who did stuff to me! "What Happened to the other girl?!" I paniced
"She passed, she was killed baskly, she didn't want to work here no more and you can't just leave without knowing what's going on in here" he said as he petted my hair.
".." I couldn't speak, he pulled his hand away and smirked "meet your new expermenter, he's got your test made, he said it should be amazing" he said as he walked to the door
"What's your name?" I asked just out of random. I needed to know
"My name? Well you could call me ??? But my real name is something more, let's say in a different time line we met before and stuff, now to answer your question, im"

Ooooooo cliff hanger :3

Hope you like this new story I'm making the next chapter sould be posted soon idk when but it will be soon. Thank you and BYE!!!!

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