Myles Erlick Videos

172 5 29

Hello! I was about to start my Physical exercices (boring!) when I saw that this book is N°1 on #thenextstep ! And The Next Step BRYLES Show The World is N°2! Wow! Thanks!

So... hum... I may have forgotten to update this part with my favs Myles' videos! Anyway here they are!!!

Obviously those videos are from YouTube but the recents carpools and covers of Myles, Briar and Kingsley are my fav videos too! I love Miami Nights so much!

This is my favorite video of Myles! So powerful!!!!!

This video is Kingsley's first Gig! And he was making fun of our sweetie Mylo!!!!! Indie artist.... a fancy word for UNEMPLOYED!!!!!! Gosh! U unemployed! Skip this guy! Hahaha! Seriously Who is Fan of a guy whose motto in life is "Perfecting The Art Of The Shart"!!!!!! Okay.... maybe me... but it's because of his bros!

Ps: A new video to add to my Briar's favs videos! I love this video so much!!!!! And my fav outfit of her in that season is the black dance top! So sassy!

Well I guess that's all! I warn you! I may have forgotten a lot of magnifient videos of Myles! Because there are so much! So! Hope you have enjoyed it and thanks for reading and voting!

Ps N°2 (people usually don't do Ps n°2 but I do what I want! Can't stop this! ~Hehehe! TNS References):

The Next Step BRYLES Show The World (it's taking too much time to write this title! Gosh!) - Next update this Wednesday!

Title: 31- Talking Seriously! You will know why Mr. Thomson called Noah and.... something is gonna happen at the end of this part! Something... wow! Hum... bad wow! Not good wow! Okay... confusing?? Yeah! Absolutely!

Spoiler! Listen to this song! I know I have shared this song so many times but the lyrics are really important for the following parts! And I love this song!!

Edit: TNS just updated Noah's dance!

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