"Okay, I got my clothes" he said holding them.

"The bathrooms right there" I pointed.

Nicky jumped off of my bed and ran to Nick. He picked him up and stared at me.

"Can I have him tomorrow?" He asked.

"You sure can, we already planned it, soo, you may" I smiled getting up.

I walked over to Nick and grabbed Nicky out of his arms. He said started crying.

"He just has to take a shower, after I shower we can take you a bath, okay" I baby talked. He stopped crying. I swear he understands English so well. Might as well be a human.

Nick went into the bathroom and I layed back down with Nicky.

"If Nick were to die, I think you would die too. You go with him to much, but I love the both of you so much" I stopped myself and thought about what I said. I love you both way to much.

"Wow, this boy really has me" I smiled at Nicky, thinking about Nick.

"I wuvs you" I kissed him. "Yes I do, mommy wuvs you" I kissed him again.

A few minutes later Nick came out in just basketball shorts and there was a whole museum. As in he had a BODY!!... I smiled.

I got my clothes and went into my bathroom as Nick layed down on my bed with Nicky.

Nicks POV

As I went into had bathroom I was getting ready to get into the shower. I stopped myself once I overheard Maria talking.

"If Nick were to die, I think you would die too. You go with him to much, but I love the both of you so much" she said.

I thought about her word choice. She just confessed to her dog the she loves me. I smiled at what she just said. 'Wow, this boy really has me'.

I hopped in the shower. After I was finished I put on my basketball shorts and walked out (If you're wondering, yes he did put on underwear as well).

I walked out of her bathroom and seen her talking and playing with Nicky. Once she seen me she automatically smiled which made me chuckle.

Little does she know I heard every word she said, even when I was getting my clothes from my car.

Maria's POV

I finished my shower and dried my bod off. I grabbed my clothes and put them on.

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