Just a little bit of your heart

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It was later into the night and they were now watching Back To The Future. Eddie stood up and everyone looked at him. His eyes were red and dried tear stains could be seen on his checks. "I'm sorry but I have to say it. I'm in love with Richie Tozier" Eddie looked straight at him while saying it.
"What the fuck Eddie" Stan said standing up. Eddie looked so confused. Richie felt so embarrassed
"W-what?" Eddie said looking at Stan now. Stan turned to Richie
"I'm in love with Richie Tozier" Eddies bug eyes widened even more and Stan looked at him. They were both staring at each other before Stan spoke again. "I even told you this Eddie and then you pull shit like this"
"I'm sorry but I can't hide my feelings"
"Don't give me that crap" Stan walked into Richies bathroom and slammed the door. Eddie just stood there and started crying. The rest of the losers club were getting in their sleeping bag so they wouldn't have to deal with this. Richie stood up and walked towards Eddie.
"Ed's baby" Eddie looked up
"Don't call me that" Richie hugged Eddie into him.
"I love you too but I think I love Stan too"
"You need time" Richie nodded and Eddie sighed. "Okay I can do that now go Stan is probably crying way more than me" Richie kissed Eddies check and went to the bathroom. He knocked on the door and waited until he opened the door. He looked like a wreck. He walked into the room shutting the door and pulled Stan into a hug. Stan hugged back just as hard. Richie started placing kissing his check and nose anywhere he could reach until Stan was laughing and pulling him away. They sat down on the floor which Stan seated in between Richies legs.
"How's things at home babe" Richie asked as he let his head rest on his shoulders. He tensed and gripped on Richies thighs.
"My dad left for another abroad trip a couple of days ago. When my mom was sure he left she locked herself in her room and when she came out she was wearing the most revealing clothes. She called me over and told me to rot in hell and that she would be back in a couple a weeks. She then got up in my face and kissed me" Richie didn't like where this was going so he kissed Stan hoping he didn't continue. Stan turned around wrapping his legs around Richies waist.
"No I need to say it please" Stan said wanting to tell anyone he couldn't just keep it to himself anymore.
"I'm sorry Stan of course you can tell me anything"
"Don't ever apologize for kissing me" Richie nodded and Stan continued. "She kissed me and I stood there and took it because I knew if I didn't she would kill me. She told me to take off my clothes and she was molesting me Richie she really was and when she realized I wasn't getting you know...... hard she slapped me.  She said I was lucky that she was doing this that no girl would ever want to do this to me because I'm a fag and I'm worthless. She then left out the door. I sat there naked staring at the wall for hours. I went to the shower and scrubbed and scrubbed my body hoping I can magically erase her touch. I scrubbed until my skin was raw and bleeding. I have nightmares about it Richie"  Richie had tears in his eyes as he kissed Stan.
"I'm so sorry babe" they hugged for a long time not saying anything. He smiled when he heard the soft snores that came from Stan.

The next morning Richies dad drove them all to a diner that was close by. Mike sat next to Ben. Ben sat next to Beverly.  Beverly sat next to Bill. On the other side of the both was Eddie then Richie then Stan and Mr. Tozier and then finally Richies little sister Lilly who was 16 years old. Richie tried talking to Eddie but he ignored him and talked to etheir Mike or Bill. Stan was talking to Lilly so Richie turned to his best friend Beverly.

"So trashmouth who ya  gonna choose?"
"I really don't know. I love Eddie and Stan. But if Eddie keeps acting like this I think Stan"
"Yeah I don't know what's going on with him"

Richie only shrugged and then the waiter came and gave them all their food. Richie being left handed he dropped his hand and took Stans left one. A smile creeped on Stans face. Breakfast went on fine and they all went to the park while Mr.Tozier went to check on his wife. Richie looked around at his friends and noticed that Lilly and Bill were getting along a bit too well. He then turned to Eddie. He walked over smiling.
"Hey Eddie"  Eddie didn't respond "Eddie come on"
"Shut up Richie honestly just go talk to Stan. Go make out with him too"
"Whatever Eddie thank you because you just made this decision a whole lot easier." Richie rolled his eyes and stomped off. He went to Stan who was talking to Ben and Mike. He grabbed onto him by the waist and turned him around kissing him. Stan clutched onto his shirt and Mike and Ben laughed and walked away. "I choose you" Stan smiled.

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