Chapter 3

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{Diana Abbott - Adriana Lima}

Amy's POV

"Aunt Amy, I don't like this!" Lily said, scrunching up her face, and pointing at the sushi.

It was funny that she absolutely hated tuna, but she thoroughly enjoyed salmon. Although she often tended to mix them up, as the colors were somewhat similar. And whenever she did, she would just freak out. I smiled at the little girl.

"No honey, you like salmon. The orange ones." I explained, making a point to separate them so she didn't get confused again.

Diana just rolled her eyes as she watched what I was doing. She was always saying that I spoiled Lily far too much, even though I did like messing with her sometimes.

"I like the fried ones!" Lily said, smiling, and doing a mess with the chopsticks, before Diana finally stepped in and helped her with the rubber band, tying the ends together.

"Lily, you know that fried food is not healthy." She said, being her usual doctor slash overprotective mom, and trying to deny her daughters wish, although she always gave in at the end.

"It tastes good though." I chimed in, making Lily chuckle and Diana glare at me.

"You pamper her." She muttered, but still looked down at her daughter with adoration in her eyes.

"Of course I do, she's my goddaughter." I argued, making Diana smile brightly at that fact and Lily laugh sweetly. I just loved spending time with them.

I smiled brightly. I had an extremely good time at dinner, and a part of me knew that Diana was right. I needed to unwind a little bit. All this work and no rest was starting to get to me, so it was good that I was finally loosing up and having a good time with my friend and my goddaughter. It was good to finally relax. Even if it was for a short time.


"She's out." Diana whispered, lightly kissing her daughter on the forehead. I smiled as I watched her making her way out of Lily's room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

"Well, I can't blame her. It's pretty late already." I said, looking down at my phone. It was eleven already, and Lily was normally in bed by nine, or maybe earlier.

"True, she doesn't seem to see time passing when she's with you. But then again, I don't either." She whispered, making sure not to be loud and wake Lily up.

"Well, I'm glad you two enjoy my company." I answered, walking up to the living room, and grabbing my purse.

"Of course we do." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She then looked at the purse in my hand, and arched an eyebrow.

"You know, you're right, it is pretty late already. You shouldn't take the subway at this hour." She said, taking the purse from my hands and throwing it on her couch. I smirked.

"Oh my, are you worried about me going home alone at night?" I asked teasingly, taking a few steps towards her. She bit her bottom lip.

"I'm just a concerned friend." She stated simply, as she gently touched the sides of my hip, and brought me closer.

"Concerned friend, sure... and I imagine that you, being such a caring friend, already thought of where I will be sleeping?" I asked, she smirked, as she leaned down and kissed my neck, gently biting on the skin. I sighed, flushing my body against hers.

"I don't mind sharing my bed." She whispered, before she crushed her lips on mine. I kissed her back, eagerly. It was true that I have had my fair share of women throughout my life, but Diana had been one of the only ones I ever cared about. One of two to be honest.

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