He came for me

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The figures showed two men and one female. The female walks over to me and said " You don't even know him he's mine if you even come close to my handsome Gray again I'll cut off every ounce of that ugly face and feed it to my pets do you understand bitch." I stared blankly. I started to feel the effects of all those After Shock and wanted nothing more than to throw up and get a glass of water and sleep it off. What was she talking about, I don't know and I stop caring along time ago. She seems mental or drunk, she had blue curly hair and blue eyes and pale skin. She smelled of alcohol so she must be drunk. I tried to walk around them and then she got in my face again. "What the hell, what do you want?" I said so me and Levy could leave already. "She's cute can we have them both?" asked a man with a tobacco pipe and he smiled wickedly. "No she just needs to know her place Wakaba." The woman starts to walk over to me and Levy when " Don't tell me you became soft after meeting that guy Juvia?" asked the other man. Juvia walks over to the guy and slaps him do hard that the near by bird flew away. I start to get nervous. " Don't you ever call me soft you hear Macao!" screamed Juvia. Then she comes running toward me she pins me to a tree and held a knife to my throat " Now you listen here girly you keep you dirty hand off of my Gray and you might live to see tomorrow." Levy was to busy being harassed by the two men to help me. I didn't know what to do.

Then another figure came into the picture. He had knocked down the two men, and grab the knife from Juvia hands. I felt like passing out but I want to make sure Levy was ok. I walked over to Levy to see if she was alright. I helped her up. Good she can walk. The two men ran off by now and the female well she gave me a death glare and ran off. The man was indeed handsome, tall, and muscle man. But the sight of him made me feel like despair had caught up with my body. Then everything went black.

When I wake up we where almost near my house and Levy was walking right beside me. I looked up to see the face who was carrying me, and tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Put me down right now you bastard!!" I demanded. He did as I asked and put me down. " He helped us Lucy just remember that" Levy had said. " I don't care. Natsu why are you here. you broke my heart and know you try to save me get out of here I don't never want to see you again. I hate you" I screamed. All the emotions I been bottling up for three years all came out at once. "Lucy, I know you hate me and I hate me too, but we need to talk please give me a chance to explain what happened." said Natsu. "Why are you still here. Leave or I'll get Laxus on you again." And on that note Natsu began to leave, but before he lefted he whispered something in to Levy ear " Take care of my Lucy. I still love her. Can you help me make it up to her?" and with that he lefted

When we arrived at our houses Levy said goodnight and we went into our house. Laxus who was already there almost having a heart attack on where I been. I just gave him a kiss on the cheek and said I'll explain tomorrow. He looked at my neck and saw a knife mark on it. He wanted to investigate more into that but he would save it for tomorrow. I went up to my room and cried myself to sleep. What just happened? Why me?, and soon I fall asleep

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