Chapter 2

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I bitterly stomped through the beach, booting small piles of sand to release the visual and emotional fury that was swelling inside me. I didn't know why I was getting worked up on something so dumb, but every second I spent thinking about what happened just increases the amount of rage I already have. I was always told that I had a pretty bad temper and was known to hold grudges. But, this was something to get rationally angry about.

I twisted the door handle, only to find it was locked. In a fit of rage, I pounded on the door, not recognising how hostile I was being to an inanimate object. The door nonchalantly opened as my mum peeped her head through. When she found out it was just me and not some aggressive landlord, she let out an exhalation of relief but stayed hidden behind the door. "(Y/N), I didn't expect you to be back so soon", mum smiled, opening the door wide enough for me to squeeze my way through.

Mum examined my figure, noticing half of it was drenched. Sending me a sceptical grimace, she shut the door behind me. "Why are you all wet?", she questioned me, concerned. I stayed silent, assuming my towel was still in my suitcase, I began looking for it. Mum pointed to the corner of the room, revealing my blue, sparkly suitcase, hiding behind the faded, purple sofa.

While I saw drying my wet clothes, mum was still intrigued to know the story. "Why do you look so grumpy?", she asked, snickering inaudibly. "Why don't we go get something to eat? Will that turn that frown upside down?".

I scoffed, tossing my towel back in my suitcase in a very violent manner. "Actually, I already got something to eat!", I fumed, making mum flinch at the tone of me suddenly shouting. "But, I never got to finish it, thanks to him". I emphasised on the word him, snarling slightly.

"Some boy bumped into me". Mum rubbed her chin, nodding as if she understood why that ticked me off. "I'm sure he didn't mean to", mum commiserated, making me blow a raspberry like a little girl.

"Yeah right! He didn't even apologise, he just coward away".

Mum went silent. She wasn't sure how to recover him from that. I raised a brow, almost taunting her. "He...He was probably just shy. You can be very...", mum paused, thinking really hard about what she was going to say next. I sent her a perplexed glare, daring her to continue. "...Strong-minded when meeting new people".

My gaze dropped to the floor as I was attempting to interpret what mum actually meant. My glance abruptly raked back up at her, as I showed a very provoked appearance. "So, you're saying I'm mean?", I shot back as my question came off a bit more rigid than I anticipated.

Mum immediately shook her head, stammering to speak. "No, no! That's not what I'm saying", she began to defend herself before pausing and showing a poker face. "No, wait. That's exactly what I'm saying".

I offensively scoffed, not believing what I was hearing. Sure, I could be a bit assertive, but I'm not rude. Unlike that boy who crashed into me. He was insensitive, and ignorant and the list goes on.

"I'm not mean!", I declared in a repugnant and cruel manner. Raising a brow, mum crossed her arms and glimpsed down at me, waiting for me to realise what I just did. I frowned, facing away from her. "I'm just really aggressively-assertive. Even dad knew that".

I didn't even need to turn around and see mum's sorrowful expression to know that I said the wrong thing. I sought to overlook the pain that filled my upper body, as I struggled to croak out an apology. Mum sealed her eyes firmly. Trying to restrain herself from doing something she'd regret. "(Y/N), we've talked about this", she throbbed, both wounded and miffed. "We do not talk about your father".

I tenderly bit the bottom of my lip, hoping that after a moment of silence, mum would change the topic. I hate it when I do that. I never realise what I'm saying until I see the distressed look glisten in mum's eyes when it's too late.

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