Chapter 15

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Weeks have gone by and Bella looks like she is about to pop and she doesn't look good at all. We were all around Bella in the living room trying to figure out how to help her a little, and Jake and I had the same thought which Edward announced, mine actually was an idea Jake's was just a snide comment. Even though I did think about it I couldn't believe my sister was going to drink blood.Carlisle and Edward came back and gave Bella blood in a styrofoam cup and as soon as I saw blood coming up the straw I turned away, and saw that Jake did to and from his face I saw that he was close to being sick like me. When we finally turned around again I could already see Bella look a little stronger and Carlisle confirmed that her pulse was getting better.

The Cullen's needed to feed because they had been dealing with Bella's pregnancy, and having to watch out for Sam's pack so they hadn't fed in a while. Jake and I had convinced them to feed and we would help distract the wolves.Alice,Edward,Rosalie,Jake and I were the ones going to stay with Bella while the others hunted. When everyone left Jake went to distract Sam's pack and I was hidden near by, in case I had to break up a fight since I was an imprint and can't get hurt no matter if their mad at me and my decision. When we heard howls Jake and I knew that the Cullen's got to where the needed safely. The wolves that had been talking to Jake had went back to the pack and Jake and I hurried back to the Cullen's house. When we got back to the house Rosalie had Bella tell us the names she chose for the baby. She said EJ for a boy for Edward and Jacob which was sweet,and for a girl Renesmee after our mom's. Edward said it was a good name and I saw Jake didn't know what to say but didn't want to hurt her feelings,I liked them both and thought that Renesmee was a good fit being unique like the situation.

As Bella was going to drink her cup of blood her bones looked like they were breaking and she was falling and we knew it was time. We had called Carlisle and told him what had happened and they said they were on their way but we all knew we didn't have time. We took Bella to Carlisle's office and Edward took charge and gave her some morphine. Rosalie wanted to get the baby out immediately and I understood her point of view but that was my sister too. When they finally cut Bella open Rosalie smelt the blood and Jake tackled her and he and Edward told her to leave. When Edward got the baby out he said it was Renesmee and showed her to Bella. I started to cry seeing my sister and niece and saw how happy Bella was. She smiled and said Renesmee's name then died. Edward tried to give Jacob the baby but he was disgusted and wanted it gone since it killed her,but he knew that was bound to happen she wasn't going to handle the birth being human. I was upset too but I also knew that Edward would save her and also Renesmee was a part of my sister ,so no matter what would have happened I would be there for her. Rosalie came back in and said she would take care of Renesmee and that she was better now after the blood incident. We agreed and I left Edward to do what he need to do and I did what I needed to do and that was to be there for Jake. I saw Jacob and sat next to him and let him cry and hugged him. After a while he stormed back into the house and I knew it wasn't good especially with how mad he was,no matter how much he meant to me but I had to protect my niece. As we entered the living room we saw Rosalie rocking Renesmee, and as soon as Jake saw her he fell to the floor and I knew what had happened and wasn't too trilled. Jake had finally imprinted but on my niece. I knew Edward was not going to be happy first he tries to steal Bella and now imprints on his daughter (Edward can't catch a break with Jake can he).

When I guess Edward had done all he could do with Bella all we could do now was wait so he came downstairs. When Edward came down he must have read mine or Jake's thoughts about the imprint because he grabbed him by the throat but let him go because something was wrong.We all went outside except for Rosalie since she was still watching Renesmee. We were prepared for a fight and out of no where the pack had started attacking. We were outnumbered but then I sighed in relief when I saw the others return. They all made sure I stayed out of it since I would get hurt the most being human(not complaning who wants to fight a werewolf or vampire). Jake finally shifted and I knew he was telling the wolves that he had imprinted on Renesmee, so they can't touch her when they left I sighed in relief knowing everyone was fine especially Renesmee. Edward had explained to the rest of them why the gave up and left. We all headed back in the house while Edward and Carlisle went to check on Bella. When they returned they told us that Bella was in transition and that we needed to wait. While we did we all got to meet the newest family member Renesmee Cullen.

Bella Swan's Little SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora