Chapter Part 10

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The next day the pack went to watch the Cullen's and learn how to fight the newborn army. They wouldn't let me go that was one thing that Paul and Jake both agreed on. I didn't want to go I just wanted to make sure that my boys come back safe. So I spent the day with Emily painting each others nail and baking to keep from worrying. A couple hours later and the pack was finally here and I jumped from the couch and hugged each of them and told Jake and Paul to never scare me like that again. They told us when and where the fight was going to be and that Jake would be staying with Bella and Edward before the fight, and that Seth would get Jake when it was time to fight. I wasn't happy at all because even though Bella has hurt him Jake still has feelings for her and I knew there was going to be tension cause of Edward, and also I didn't want Seth anywhere near the fight same with Jake, but knew he wouldn't listen plus the pack needed him.

It was Bella's graduation and of course I had to go. When her name was called I had to pretend that I cared or wanted to be there. I saw how proud dad was and even though Bella and I were having our problems I was happy to see dad like that. When Edward's name was called I showed my distaste for him. After graduation was over Bella of course went with the Cullen's to have a celebration while I went home. When Bella came home Jake was with her and knew he did something. The first thing dad and I noticed was her hand was bandaged and I looked at Jake and I knew he was guilty. Dad asked what happened and Jake said that he kissed Bella and she punched him in the face and broke her hand. I rolled my eyes because of Jake's crush which I know will hurt him but he does what he wants and also laughed because Bella knew better then to punch a werewolf in the face.

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