Chapter 17

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When all the vampires showed up that were willing to help they started training Bella when they found out that she was a shield. Her being a shield could really help them when the Volturi come in case anything happens. When it was time for the Volturi to come we found that Alice and Jasper had left which shocked us all. Bella told Jake and I that if anything goes wrong we take Nessie and run. When we get to the field we see all the Volturi and Aro asked for Bella,Edward and Nessie and of course Jake was going too. When they met him he read Edward and found out about Bella being a shield and everything that has happened.He then went to Nessie and she showed Aro with her power everything. Aro knew that she was a hybrid but he was evil so he was up to something. They said since they have never dealt with a hybrid before they didn't know if the secret of what they were would be kept so they had to do something. Then out of nowhere Alice and Jasper showed up and Alice showed Aro his future if he continued which ended with his death and the Volturi's death and some of the Cullen's and wolves. Everone could tell he was scared but didn't change his mind but Alice said that she had proof.

A women and a teenage boy came and said that he was half human and half vampire. That a vampire seduced his mother and she died giving birth to him. He said that his aunt raised him and he mad her immortal. He reached maturity at 7 years old and looks like he is 17 and he eats human food and blood he could survive on either. So Aro and the Volturi left and we all let out a sigh of relief except for the Romanian vampires they went after the Volturi. We then headed back to the Cullen's house and all the coven's said goodbye and left. We all celebrated together and it seemed like everything would finally be fine and that we could handle anything that got in our way. Jake was finally happy since he imprinted and is over the Bella drama which we all were,Bella and Edward would finally get their forever and get to see Renesmee grow up.Everyone had someone except for me but I was fine with that because after everything I couldn't deal with Paul. 

It's kind of funny to me that when Bella first moved here I practically lived in La Push and was friends with werewolves and now a couple years later I live in Fork's and hardly go to La Push and am surrounded by vampires. I know me and the Cullen's didn't get along at first and after everything with Edward I hated them but, as time went on I got to know them and see how in love Edward and Bella are. I do wish that I could go back and change what happened with Sam and the pack since they were my friends, but I can't and now the Cullen's are my family. And even though i'm only human I will do whatever it takes to protect my family even though they are all stronger than me. This is not how I expected my life to go surrounded by supernatural creatures but it is and I wouldn't change it. Even though when Bella moved here me and her had some issues and had our falling out but she is my big sister and I wouldn't want to do any of this without her.

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