"Where are we going?"

Anna asks softly looking around.

"To bed.."

Angel says seductively and Anna smiles and blushes. Angel carries Anna up the stairs and into the bedroom where she lays her down on the bed and slips under the sheets with her.

"This bed feels like heaven.."

Anna says as she cuddles herself into the bed sheets. Angel pulls Anna close to her in a warm embrace and Anna giggles softly as she rolls over so that she is face to face with Angel. Anna stares at Angel's face and eyes as she runs the back of her hand down her cheek. Angel takes her hand kissing the back of it softly as she looks at Anna.

"What are you looking at?"

Angel asks in a soft tone of voice.


Anna replies as she cuddles up under Angel and closes her eyes.


Anna asks and Angel turns on her back pulling Anna up on her chest.

"Yes Anastasia?"

Angel answers as she slowly runs her fingers down Anna's shoulders slowly.

"I think.... I am... falling for you."

Anna admit as she gets comfortable on Angel's chest, and before Angel has a chance to say anything Anna is sound asleep. Angel looks down at her and smiles at tonight, and any other night.

"I know I am."

Angel breathes and stares up at the ceiling as if she was looking for the stars trying to find some loop hole in what seems like the perfect love story. To which she cannot find a loop hole or anything to make this love story go in any which way. If anything Angel is more worried with her actions and the bad company she kept around. Vanessa and Nina... Nina must've been hurt. After all Nina was just like Vanessa, and just like Anastasia. They all had feelings some of which was influenced by Angel's words or actions. Angel dismissed the thoughts from her head that would disrupt her sleep. Angel closed her eyes and slowly went back to sleep.

The sun shines through the blind over Anna's eyes and she wakes up rubbing her eyes. She gets up slowly seeing Angel still laying their peacefully sleeping. Angel looks innocent and childlike. Anna runs her fingers along Angel's scars along her arm and Angel flinches in her sleep a little. Anna can tell she;s still haunted by the memories of gang violence and death. Anna's thoughts are interrupted when she can hear the sound of a vibrating phone somewhere in the room. She looks around the room and sees Angel's iPhone vibrating on the dresser. Anna takes the lingering sheet wrapping it around her body, her back exposed some. She walks over to the dresser and lifts up Angel's phone and reads the name Mark. Anna hesitated as she was prompt with the question should she answer or not. Anna shook her head and answer the phone.

"Uhh.. hello?"

Anna said softly confused as to what to say.

"Hey... er.. is Angel there?"

Mark said confused as to who was answering her phone.

"Uh.. yes.. this is, Anna. She is sleeping."

She said clarifying herself to him.

"Oh, so you're the elusive Anastasia I've heard about.."

He says chuckling softly as Anna is relieved and yet nervous at the same time.

"You've heard.. about me?"

Anna curiously asks unsure if she wants to know the answer to the question.

Anastasia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now