Chapter Seventeen

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Dedicated to @Sobechukwu and @Writterthoughtss


I heard little birdies chirping and when I got closer to the tree, there nestled in between two branches was a nest. I stood and watched the birds interact.

There happened to be a baby bird with it's parents. One bird took off and then the other. The little one tried to fly too but it soon came collapsing to the ground. I ran over to the little bird and picked it up in my hands. I got up with the little bird in my hands but then the other two biids flew right at me and I ran as fast my little legs could to the the house with the little bird still in my hands. I quickly kicked the door close once I was in and ran over to my parents.

"Mummy! Daddy!" I shouted with little fits of giggles, adrenaline still pumping through my veins from the earlier flight. "Look what I got," I rushed over to them almost flopping over in the process.

"What do you have honey?" Mum asked.

"It's a little buddy." I giggled.

"Where'd you get it from?" Came dad's voice.

"It fell from the best so I took it." I smiled but then a pout overtook. "But it's mum and dad chased me all the way to the house." I explained.

I saw my parents stare at each other before mum knelt before, grasping my shoulders gently. "Lyra baby. I think the birdies outside want their little one," she spoke softly.

"But they let him fall. So now I'm going to take care of him for them." I told her tilting my chin up in the air a little.

"I'm sure it wasn't intentional on their part so would you be a darling and let the little birdy go?"

"But I don't wanna let him go." I whispered bottom lip trembling from the tears I was fighting to hold back.

"Tell what. We'll take a photo of the birdy before letting it go. That way you'll always have a piece of him you." She reasoned.

"Really?" I perked up. "Can I be the one to the picture?"

"Yes honey you can do that." She smiled at me. "Here. Let me hold him for you while you take the camera."

Dad got up off from the sofa. "Come on. Let's make prodigy." He said lifting me up causing me to erupt in fits of giggles.

After dad and I took the camera from their room. We made our way to the livingroom where he showed me how to opperate it.

I told mum to let go of the birdy and I tried my best to take the best photos I could but some resulted in my thumb showing up in the corner of the photo. Others were blurry from from the bird chiding to fly the exact time I clicked on the little button on the camera.

"They are all beautiful honey." My dad praised, "you're a prodigy."

"What's a pro...prog...progy?"

"A prodigy," he smiled at me, "is someone who is talented at something. For example you. You're a great photographer."

I smiled at mummy and daddy as we made our way to the backyard to take the little birdy back to his mummy and daddy.


A/N: Sorry for the extremely late and short update. I got busy and uninspired. But at least you have a sneak pick into Lyra's past yeah;)

Until next time.
Stay Blessed.

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