Chapter 2

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I enter into the music shop, something little but inviting with walls and ceiling cover with poster and flags of tones of different bands. I stood there with an amazed expression on my face.

"Is it the first time you came here?" A voice ask making me jump out of my skin. I turn and saw a skinny brown hair guy sitting on the top of the counter. He was wearing a beanie and he were it perfectly. I taught he was really cute but put that thought away knowing that nobody want a mess like me.

"Humm, yeah" I manage to answer his question still admiring the unknown guy.

"I'm Austin Carlile" he said jumping off the counter walking to me and extend a hand. I shake his hand and it's only at that moment that I realize how tall he was. I'm only 5'6 and I had to raise my head up to look into his brown eyes.

I shake his hand, "I'm Marianne Bella but just call me Mary" I told him without any signs of shyness. That surprise me from me but I was glad I did. A smile appear on his face as our hand separated. Shit, his smile could save the entire world, even me,

"Are you looking for something or just to chill out?" He ask me, since he was working here.

"No just to listen to some new stuff" I shrugs.

And with that he got away. Well I guess he was like all the others. I started to look through different CD's when Austin came back with a pile of CD's in his hands. "I thought that you might like these and probably don't know them" He said, I couldn't do anything then smile at him. I was killing cute. He guide me into a listening room where they put a radio and you can listen to your CD. And to my surprise, Austin close the door behind him and put on the first CD as we both sat down in the chairs.

The first song started, "Numb by Linking Park" I told Austin as he look at me in surprise. He had a smirk. I change the CD and pick another one in the pile. The music start to play, "Blood on my hands by The Used" I told him, the singer didn't even had to time to sing but I knew that band so well. "Damn! Do you know all these bands?" Austin ask me. He was maybe trying to show me stuff but it wasn't working right now. I got up and grab the pile of CD's. There were like 15 and I look through all of them and handed him 5 CD's. "I don't know these" I told Austin, handing him the CD's while I was sitting on the floor. He put a CD in and sat in front of me on the floor, in made the ambiance more relax and awkward even thought I didn't feel that shy with him. 

The music began to play and we stayed there in front each other. I was looking down at my hands trying to concentrate on the music but all I could think of was that there was a beautiful guy in front of me. I could feel is gaze on me but I didn't dare to look at him. He pull my head up with his hand and was looking at my bruised eye. "Who did this to you?" Austin ask in a concern voice. I shrug, I didn't even know and I didn't want to talk about it. I got my phone out of my vest pocket and saw the time. Shit my parents would be home in minutes! 

I got up, "sorry I have to go" I told Austin. I open the door and ran up to the front of the shop, not forgetting my school bag. "Will you come back?" I hear Austin yell down the hall. I turn a moment and nob with a quick smile before getting out of the shop. 

Thankfully, the music shop wasn't far from home. So I ran up home even with the shitty physic form I have. I could feel me heart beat like if he was in my ears. I arrive in front of my house and saw the car of my parents in the drive way. "Shit" I murmured to myself. All the happiness I felt the moment before with Austin had all disappeared. I open the door, getting ready to be punish for not being at home right after school. 

"See the whore coming home!" I hear my that yell from the living room sitting his fat ass on the couch. I didn't say a word and walk up to my room. "That one is the biggest mistake we did Dan" I hear my mom say this to my dad before I close the door. 

I could parents tell this to their kid? 

I thought that parents where suppose to love their child no matter what, not told them they are a fucking mistake!! Even thought I knew I was one. 

The thing that keep me away from cutting that night was the thought of Austin. His smile, his eyes. I didn't know him much but he is the first person that tried to know me before destroying me out. I hope he would never do that. So I just cried myself to sleep that night, wishing to go back to that music store. 

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