Chapter 1

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I sit in my room, tears roll down my cheeks as I take the blade once again. I press so hard on the skin of my wrist that it made my thumb bleed. This pain felt so good compare to the one that people made me. At school, I was living a hell. People calling you names and beating you up just because I was different. I liked how I was different even toughed I got hated for it. My parents were no where better. They think that I'm a mess and that I'll never do anything good in life, I was the disgrace of my family with my purple pink hair and all those marks on my wrist.

I know it's bad but it's the only thing that I found to make me feel slightly better.


We were new in town so bullying would take a higher level. I walk in the school I my jean jacket that I always wear, black jeans and black Converse. I felt good in my outfit, I just wish that people would be different here but deep down I knew that this wasn't possible, humans can be so cruel with someone weaker than them.

I enter my first class, "Oh, I guess you are the new student, Marianne Bella?" The teacher ask, I could feel every eyes one me as I step forward into the class. I hear people whisper things like, "Fuck another weirdo" and even worst things. "You can go sat in the back Marianne" The teacher said, I nob and thankfully, no body was near my desk so I can have some quiet time.

But things weren't as quiet in the hallway. People bumping into me like I wasn't there. I wish I wasn't. People telling me that I should die in a hole. I wish too fucker.

After a few days, things asn't change. I had a black eye because a girl slam my locker door in my face and I didn't know who did it, that's why I didn't fought back.

On Friday my parents would come home later so I decided to go to a music shop not far from my home. Music was my only escape to this damn world.

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