"No?" I can hear the panic in his voice and I need to do something to stop him spiralling into devastation for no reason.

I sniff, choking on a sob at the same time as I lean back and hold up the pregnancy test so he can see.

His eyes squint to focus, his grip wrapping around my wrist to help steady my trembling hand and then his lips part in disbelief.

He starts to pant heavily as shock takes over and I drop the test back onto the counter top as his eyes find mine.

"You're pregnant," he states more to himself as if he doesn't quite believe what he's just seen.

I gulp back a sob and nod quickly as he exhales forcefully and water wells in his eyes.

"Oh my god," he mumbles through his building tears.

This is the moment I've dreamt of, replaying different scenarios over in my head so many times, but seeing Harry's face when I tell him we are having a baby, is like nothing I could have imagined.

His face collapses with relief and joy and bewilderment. Tears falling from his eyes with the pure happiness of this gift and an overwhelming sense of, what feels a lot like, salvation.

I see his face every day, thought I had seen every emotion cross his green eyes, but not this one.  And it is one I will never forget.

His lips crash into mine, starving to connect our souls to the elation we have created together.

Our cries are mixed with laughs as we try and comprehend the magnitude of this moment, our kisses breaking the soft sounds every few seconds as our brains sift through the compound of emotions.

He pulls back to leave enough room to mumble, "We're having a baby."

It feels like hours before we are coherent enough to speak to one another again, our foreheads resting together, propping ourselves up and drawing strength from our connected bodies.

"I'm worried we shouldn't be excited until we see a doctor," I sniff, my insecurities and greatest fears tumbling from my lips, knowing that if this is ripped away from us I might not fully recover.

"No darling, this is it, I know it is," he reassures me so confidently that there is not one ounce of me that questions him.

His hands slide from my cheeks to tangle into the hair at the back of my neck as he collides our lips together for what might be the millionth time today. One million times, yet still not enough.

"I love you, Harry," I tell him as sincerely as I can, and for some reason, it feels different. 

Like we are on a new path, one intertwined together even more infinitely than the one we were on before. 

"Do you know that?" I ask before he can respond.

"I've always known, baby," he sniffles, "do you know I love you?" He asks back.

"I know," I nod before he crashes our lips together, our tongues dancing in desperation and  expressing an eternal bond that can never be broken.

It feels like a lifetime ago that our worlds collided in that tiny health food store in Paris, our lives thrown upside down and turned back around so many times since then.

Our relationship has changed so much since those early days of him telling me about his latest model conquest and me delving into Dan and I's wedding plans during our countless phone calls from wherever in the world he was.

He may have loved me long before I realised, and I stupidly put off being with him for so long out of fear, but all of it has lead us to this point. And I wouldn't change a thing.

"Wait," he says lightly, pulling back a fraction and counting something on his fingers.

"April next year," he concludes, referring to my due date.

I nod gently, having done this all myself as I waited for him to arrive back home.

"Emma's bday was in April," I tell him and watch as his face transforms with his heart stopping smile.

"I'm sure she's watching us right now, jumping up and down making that weird high pitched squeal you guys always used to make," he jokes, his face light and his smile contagious.

"We need to celebrate," he announces, picking me up so my legs wrap around this waist, subconsciously not wanting to be detached from me for a second, and to be honest, I feel the same way.

Every time he picks me up like this I remember what it was like to run into his arms when he arrived home from tour, our friendship in the early stages and still so fragile yet we craved the contact more than either of us could ever rationally explain.

"How?" I question, my fingertips combing through his wild curls, his face full of mischief.

He bites the side of his lips as he thinks for a moment before his eyes sparkle, "Let's go christen every room in the new house!"

In a few short years, we have both experienced such mind blowing highs and earth shattering lows.  But we made it, and whatever life has left to throw at us, at the end of the day we will tackle it, together.

Our relationship is bound together by an unbreakable bond that neither us can explain, a never ending game of hypothetical questions and its roots firmly planted in friendship.

Born out of a mistaken tattoo and a little song and cemented on deserted islands and in unending support, it's infinite love.

I know and he knows.


Epilogue to come!


..so i beg you all to go check it out. its a little different... but in a cool way..

quick note to all of you to say THANK YOU for all the unending support for WYWH which started almost exactly 1 year ago to the day.

3 parts and soooo many of you falling in love with H & O later, i can honestly say this whole experience has been incredible.

THANK YOU for all your votes and read and comments (I try and reply to all of them)


forever and ever. you know and i know

love ruby

Wish You Were Here - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now