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They got to the campsite at around seven. Due to the excessive bathroom breaks and the constant wrong turns, they got later than preferred. It was already dark, which meant they had to hold the flashlights in their mouths as they struggled to set their tents up. This proved difficult for some, especially Loki. Due to his.. over the top gag reflex, he had to run to a bush multiple times. When he was done helping with the tent, he flipped Thor off and went inside it. Clint and Natasha had also finished, and were throwing their sleeping bags and pillows into the big tent.

"Your tent's big and all.." Tony said to Steve. "But it's not as big as stephen. Right, strange?" The doctor choked and spit out the water he was drinking his face going red as Natasha and Clint fell to the floor, their chests heaving with laughter. "That is the most immature thing I've heard all day." Loki said, crawling out of the tent. "Oh really? Who was it joking about what 'pitching a tent' meant again?" Steve said accusingly. "Piss off, you dunce." He snapped. Bucky gasped. "Come on! That's mean, he was staying facts!" He said. "So am I." Loki shrugged. "Oh you little-"

Tony and stephen tried to pull Bucky off of loki before any harm could be done.

"Sorry, didn't know you were so protective of your boyfriend." Loki said as he brushed himself off. Without hesitation, Bucky turned around quickly and delivered a hard punch to lokis face. The trickster fell to the floor with a thump, holding his cheek that felt on fire. "Fuck you." He grumbled. "You wish, you dick." Bucky retorted. Natasha stopped recording and put her phone away, Tony doing the same.


At around nine, Tony had set up a fire, sitting on his knees Infront of it. He smiled happily at his work as the group slowly joined him. First stephen, then Loki, then Pietro, then Bucky, then Steve, then Clint, then wanda, then Natasha, and finally Thor. Stephen had brought things to make s'mores, and handed them around. The group was quiet. A certain kind of quiet, the one you don't mind. Little did they know that wouldn't last forever.


After the ghost stories and the jumpscares, Tony jumped up and headed to his tent, grabbing the ouija board.

"Tony no." Steve said. "But Strange said I could buy it and if we don't play it I'm gonna waste twelve dollars and I wanna have fun!" He wined. Steve groaned. "Fine." Tony smiled smugly and walked over to the group, sitting in his spot. "Who wants to participate?" Stephen said tiredly as Tony set up the board. Loki sighed and set his fingers on the center piece. then Clint, strange, Pietro, Bucky, Thor, and wanda. "Not you guys?" Tony asked natasha and steve. "Tony, I'm a man of God, and talking to spirits isn't one of my wantings." He put another marshmallow on a stick and began roasting it. "I'm tired. Ill watch, though." Natasha said.

Tony asked the usual stupid questions. The 'are you there's and the 'is anyone here's. He frowned when it didn't work. Until the planchette started moving. "Clint, stop moving it." Loki said tiredly. "How the heck did you know?" Clint asked, surprised. "Your fingers. They turn red when you push down, plus the whole board moved." Clint sighed. "See, Tony, ghosts don't eat people in the woods." Strange said sarcastically. The planchette started moving again.


Tony started laughing, which provoked the whole group to join. "Alright, that was funny but stop it Clint." The archer shook his head. "I'm not doing it. Look," he took his fingers off. "Ok, then who is doing it?" Tony asked.


"Everyone take your hand off." Loki suggested. The group did just that.


Tony looked around and nodded once, putting his hand back on. Everyone followed. "Who are you?" He asked. it moved to no. "Alright, smartass. Don't tell us." It started moving again.


"So keep being mean and you'll get answers." Pietro joked.


The group looked at one another. "Who's scared?" Thor asked. It started moving, very slowly, but it was moving.


"Bullshit I'm not scared of your hoe ass." Stephen started laughing way harder than nessisary, Steve sighed and went back to his tent, and Natasha scooted closer, putting a finger on the planchette.


Loki bit off some of his chocolate and smirked. "Who's trapped?" He thought this was funny, and was trying to, in his head, figure out how Tony was making it move.


A wind if some sort, a force, blew Loki back and away from the board. His eyes widened as he stood up, brushing himself off. "How did you do that? Someone did, I know you did." The group shook their heads. "Loki, no one did anything to you." Thor said cautiously. "That's bullshit! Then what did? The ghost?" He said sarcastically. It was silent. "Great. That- I'll be in the tent, Thor, join me when you've finished playing your little ghost game with your friends." Loki stalked off, crawling into the tent. "Why did you do that?" Tony asked.


"Woah! Ok!" Mixed reactions came from everyone, some laughing, agreeing, and Thor frowning. Then Tony asked a question. "Can I look through the planchette?" There was a pause, before it moved to yes. He picked it up and put it to his eye. He started shaking and threw it away from him, scooting closer to his boyfriend and hugging his tightly. "Wait what happened? What did you see?" Bucky asked. Tony shook his head and steadied his breathing. Then the planchette started moving.


They all went silent. "Kill who?" Thor asked. It paused for a moment.


The planchette moved across the board quickly, going through the letters and numbers backwards. "Ok, goodbye." Natasha forced it to goodbye and threw the planchette in the fire as Tony scooted away from it, breathing heavily. He started hyperventilating and shaking as stephen made his way over to him. "Come on, Stark, just breathe, ok?" Natasha broke the board in half and threw it in the fire too. "W-w-who the fuck was m-moving it?!" Tony all but screamed. "Tony, no one was. How would we?" Pietro asked, worry in his voice. Tony hugged Stephen tighter and let out a small sob.

"Go to bed, guys." Stephen said. The group dispersed. "Just breathe, ok Tony?"


An/ hello! This chapter is so gross and really bad but it's six in the morning and I'm having mini panic attacks. Thanks for reading, loves!


|DISCONTINUED| island of bodies; ironstrange,clintasha,stuckyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum