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An/ this is a normal life au. i just wanted to make that clear ♥


"Possibly, but you know me and your- what do you call them- friends don't get along well." Loki said, glaring at his brother. "Come on, it's just the weekend! Please come!" Thor gave Loki puppy eyes that seemed to be working. "Brother, you know I hate camping." Thor continued giving his stubborn brother his big, watery eyes until Loki finally sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine. But if anything happens, and I mean, anything, I'm leaving and never going on your bullshit trips again, you hear me?" Thor gave a small laugh and smiled. "Loud and clear!"

A few minutes prior to these events, one of Thor's good friends, Tony, had given him a call.


"Hello Tony! What a pleasant surprise! What is it?"
"Hey Thor. Yeah, so uh, me and steve got a group together to go camping, and you're included! Wanna join?"
"I would love to, Stark! But I can't, sadly. I can not trust Loki not to destroy the house while I'm gone. Again."
"Then bring him, we won't mind. Well.. ok, I won't mind he's hot as hell."
"Don't make me tell strange, Tony."
"No! Don't I was kidding. But yeah you two should come. Gotta go, text me your answer!"


Thor grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, watching as his brother gracefully walked off towards his room.

Thor sent a message to Tony, saying they'd come, asking where to meet. The engineer responded quickly, Saying someone would come pick them up.

Loki and Thor were both ready in ten minutes. They walked out side and saw a car pull up in their driveway.

"Hop in losers, we're going camping!" Natasha said happily from the passenger seat. Clint waved to them from behind the wheel. Clint was coming. He was the only one Loki could even slightly stand. It made the trickster that little bit more optimistic about where they were going.


Steve and Bucky rushed around the house, getting what they needed for their weekend long trip.

"Movie out the way, punk." Bucky said, smiling as he shoved Steve, opening the closet. "Alright, soldier. The tent's on the top shelf." Steve said, shoving bucky back just as hard. Bucky stood on his tip toes in a failed attempt to reach the tent. He tried a few move times before Steve pushed him away and grabbed it easily. "Show off." Bucky mumbled, stalking off with the tent.

Steve went into the kitchen and opened the cooler that was on the table, putting food and drinks in it. He grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer and swung it over his shoulder.

"Ow- god dammit, Rogers!" Steve turned around and saw his roommate holding his nose, an annoyed expression of his face. "Shoot. Sorry, buck." Steve set the bag of ice on the table and walked over to Bucky, pulling his hands from his face. A small trail of blood made its way from buckys nose. "You happy now? You attacked me with a bag of ice and now I'm gonna die." Steve scoffed. "No you're not. You're fine, stop wining." Bucky smirked. "I don't know, steeb. I dont feel so good, I think I might be dying. Remember me when I die, little one." Steve rolled his eyes at that. "Tell my story to Sam, let him know I'm better than him." Bucky fell backwards, forcing steve to run and catch him. "This is the end for me. Just know I love you." Bucky closed his eyes and allowed his body to go limp. "Stop it! Get up you dork. We gotta go meet up with everyone." Bucky groaned. "But your comfy! And warm." Steve smirked. "Alright then." With one quick movement he picked his friend up like a bride and walking outside.

He set Bucky in the back of the truck. "Steeb! This is illegal! You can't drive with someone back here!" Bucky feigned shock. Steve shrugged. "Just stay low, were only going to target." Steve hurried inside the house and grabbed the tent and cooler, along with the phone Bucky left on the bed.

He set everything in the back with Bucky. "Oh! Yay my phone! Thank you steeb I love you~!" Steve get inside the truck and buckled his seatbelt, driving away.


"Pietro, drive faster, we are going to be late!" Wanda insisted, pushing on her brothers arm. "He said be there at four! It is three fifty, we are almost there!" Pietro replied. "Hurry up!"

They pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later. When they got there, they saw Tony, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, clint, and Natasha. "Where are the brothers?" Pietro asked.


An/ how do you like it so far? Leave your thoughts in the comments and let me know if I should continue!


|DISCONTINUED| island of bodies; ironstrange,clintasha,stuckyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن