Chapter One: On The Run

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"I'm sorry, I do remember that actually, but I didn't know that it was you." He says softly before clearing his throat and returning to his stoic expression. "Stop following me, and go home. I don't want to hurt you but I will if you keep following me."

"I don't have a home anymore because of you. So no, I won't 'go home.' And besides, what if I can help you remember?"

"I hardly think you could trigger my memories to come back. No offense but no thanks."

"Someone I'd never encountered in my past triggered my memories. So, what if I could help you remember? Would you be at least willing to try? I mean, it's better than trying on your own. At least I can share my memories with you, or we could try physical simulations." I say realizing how the last part came out as a blush stains my cheeks. "I don't mean it in a... I only mean that maybe putting you under physical stress such as training together or something could cause a flashback." I rush trying to cover my embarrassing verbal mistake.

"No. Don't follow me, don't try to help me. Go away." He says sternly leaving no room for argument. He opens the door and gently pushes me out into the hallway. I stand there slightly shocked before getting a grip and moving down into the museum. My mind swirls with questions, but they move too fast to understand. What's my next move? What else can I try? Maybe meeting him at the safe house? Or would that be too forward? I decide to try again tomorrow, that is if he shows up again.

Leaving the museum, I walk along the crowded streets and past a news stand. I stop to stare when I see MY face staring at me from the front cover of the New York Times under the headline: SECRET AGENTS REVEALED? SHIELD'S INTEL LEAKED TO THE WEB! Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, there (of course) has to be intel leak from SHIELD. I bet it was Natasha, she's always trying to make my life miserable. If my information is released, then so is hers, and Steve's, and Bucky's. We're all in danger now. Who knows what kind of mercenaries would be after us to get paid to kill any of us. I duck my head down and keep walking with the crowd.

As we pass a souvenir stand selling hats, scarves, gloves and trinkets; I grab an 'I heart D.C' cap discretely and put it on to help hide my face. I flip up the collar of my shoplifted black coat and pull it tighter around me. As my traveling crowd passes a fancy restaurant I catch a glimpse of two people speeding up from behind me. My instincts tell me I'm being tailed, but my brain tries to reason that I am in a big city and some people just might be in a hurry. Not everything is trying to kill me anymore. However, for some reason I can't seem to shake the feeling that I am in danger.

Speeding up slightly, we pass a small strip of stores and I glance at the window reflection to test the theory that I'm not being tailed. When I don't see my followers in the reflection, I'm filled with a sense of relief as the brief panic subsides. I release the breath I didn't realize I am holding and keep moving with the crowd. I have no idea where I'm headed but I know that I need to find a place to sleep for the night before it gets too dark.

After walking for a few hours I break away from the crowd and head down an alleyway leading into darkness. At the end of the alley is a chain linked fence that separates the apartment housing from the alley. I grab the cool metal and haul myself upwards. The rattling sound, if I'm not careful, could attract unwanted attention. I climb to the top and prepare to jump down, when I hear footsteps starting down the alley. I know that I'm under the cover of darkness so I have that advantage. However, I am sitting on top of the loudest attention catcher. I debate on jumping down or staying very still, and decide that jumping down and creating noise is a better option than sitting and hoping whoever it is goes away.

My boots hit the concrete creating a slapping sound and I flinch as the fence rattles from my departure. I quickly hide behind a dumpster as the footsteps speed up. I can tell that it is more than one person because two pairs of hands hit the fence angrily.

"Damn it! I told you we should've stayed closer to her!" A deep, rough voice says into the night air.

"She was catching onto us, did you want to risk losing her for sure?" I female answers, annoyed with her partner.

"Well if we can't find her how are we going to get paid?"

"Chances are she's in one of those run down apartments, so we knock on every door until we find her. Simple."

"Simple if you don't want to sleep, sure. We've been following her for hours she could be anywhere."

"Then what do you suggest we do? Give up?"

"No, I don't think we should give up. She goes to the same museum at noon everyday so far, so we'll get her there. We can tie her up and put her in the van and dispose of her in the river. Then we get our money and go home."

"You'd think, with her being a high class asset, she would be more careful. But I guess her looks overshadow how dumb she is." She says laughing. It's not my pattern they're catching onto. It's not my mistake that I'm paying for. It's all HIS fault.

"You're just jealous Milenda, because you're not attractive you hate everyone who is."

"Hey! That's not true! Come on I don't want to spend all night here with you, let's go." Their footsteps fade as they leave the alley. I have to let Bucky know that there are people hunting us. He could be in danger too which would not help me out in the slightest. I somehow had to leave a message for him that only he would understand. But what could that possibly be?

Phoenix Fire (Book 2 in the Winter's Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora