Prologue Scene 4

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Prologue Scene 4

I arrived at the Opera, just in time. I got dressed and everything. Then I saw Rosita, Camilie, Nora and Dora along with a waving Victor.

"I'm here, like you've asked." He told and I rolled my eyes, and kissed his cheek.

"Your unbelievable." I told as he smiled

"Victor, get some shoes, you aren't going to watch." Rosita told smirking.

"Excuse me?" Victor yelled rubbing his hair.

"Man shoes, right." Camille smiled

"Get dressed." Nora and Dora yelled as poor Victor looked startled, as we all burst out laughing.

"They are joking." I told as he look at me worried, I kissed his forehead.

"So what are we starting with?" I asked Rosita as she smiled.

I hurried to my backpack and got Odette's red Pointe shoes out that she gaved me, this meant much to her as it meant to me now. It goes everywhere with me and it's the only once I feel save in.

Odette and Mèrante Pov

"Mèrante, where are we going?" Odette asked as she was being let by Mèrante. He covered her eyes for the surprise

"You'll see." He told and stopped. He placed her cane down and opened her eyes.

"Mèrante, what are we doing here?" She asked seeing the Opera theatre infront of them.

Her eyes were full of hurt and sorrow, Mèrante saw and broke down seeing her like this. He took a slow uncontrollably step forward to reach her, as he placed her cane at one side.

"Odette?" He asked with a soft tender voice. He didn't want to scare her.

"Odette." He said once again as she turn to him slowly, he offered his hand to her. "Dance with me?" She looked away "Please?" He begged again.

She turn to him "Why would you want to dance with me? I-I can't even dance." She asked looking at her leg.

"You can." He told slowly

"What if someone sees?" She asked scared and wanted to leave.

"Let them." He told as she looked away.

"I'm still rusty." She told looking away and worried.

"I know you still have it in you." He told, as she gave in and took his hand.

Fèlicie Pov

Suddenly Gortincia run in with Lavender.

"You all must see this Mèrante are dancing with someone in the grand Opera theater." They yelled and I smiled knowing it's Odette. We all ran downstairs to the Opera, I smiled as Camille smiled with me.

"I've always wanted to see her dance." Camille smiled at me, as I nodded. Then when we reached the stage background, my eyes lit up. We all were qiute when there was music.

Mèrante was holding Odette waist, while she held her hands around his shoulders both smiling at each. There was times, when he thrill her in a few sircles, times where he picked her gentley up and placed her gentley down.

It was just us the six of us, watching until almost the whole school came.

We all were just watching, suddenly the door keeper showed us to the open chairs in qiute. And we all went, the lights were dim, so none could see.

I was sitting with Victor, Rosita, Nora, Dora and Camille. It was amazing just to see how they both show so much love in one little dance, and Odette is amazing.

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