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This was it.....This was the day.....This was the last time I'd see the village for at least two years.....This was goodbye.

(Aman's POV)

Duck Butt and I were standing at the gate of the village, saying our last goobyes. There was Whiskers, Sakura, Shika, Kiba, Hinata, Ino, Shino, Choji, even TenTen, Bushy Brow 2, Neji, and Gia came! Oh, and of course an army of fan girl obsessing over Sasuke, and crying about his leaving. I scoffed.

'Please. This is nothing! Kakashi, and Itachi had WAY more fan girls then THAT! Pfft.' I thought.

And then there was Kakashi. 

"So this is it. At least for a while," Kakashi said, as I was about to leave.

"Yeah, I gusse so. Well, see ya'. I'll miss you," I said turning around, but before I could Kashi spun me back around and gelntly crashed his masked lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his went around my waist.

"I love you. I'll miss you so much," he said, with his forehead against mine.

"I love you to."

'Ahem' Sasuke cleared his throat.

"Hate to brake up this little love fest, but we need to get going, Aman-sensei," he said with an annoyed tone.

"Relaxe, kid. I'm comin'."

We waved one last time, well at least I did. Sasuke just walked up ahead. Gai, and Rock Lee, were crying, some other people were shedding a few tears as well. 

I gave one last smile to Kakashi, and walked up the road, to catch up with Sasuke.

"So, ya' ready kid?" I asked Duck Butt.

"For what?"

" become my apprentice." 

"Oh. More ready then you know. Are you sure you know what your doing?"

"Kid, your not, my first student. In fact before we begin, you should know...."

Sasuke looked at me with curiosity.

"..that I was the one that trained your brother. I was his sensei."

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock.

"So yeah. Believe me kid I know what I'm doing," I said with a smirk, but on the inside, I was terrified. Not that I would fail teaching him, but terrified I would succeed, and he would become powerful enough to kill...Itachi..

But there was nothing I can do now. I made Itachi a promise, and I intend to keep that promise. I also promised Kakashi I would come back to him. After all he's gonna need some help with Naruto when he's done training with Jiraiya, and Sakura's done trining with Tsunade. 

But for now, I will only focuse on the road head of me. Not the future, not the past, but the now.

But little did I know, that even on the sunniest days, you can still find shadows. Even in the light there will always be darkness.....And I was unaware of the darkness...about to come forth.

I know that was a pretty short chapter, but what ever. 

So there you go!! That concludes 'The Girl Who is Death's Apprentice'!!! I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope you are excited for the sequel, 'The Girl Who is Death's Equal'!!

As allways vote, coment, and share. Catch ya' on the Dark Side!!🐺🌙

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