Goodbye Leaf Village. Goodbye Kakashi....

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(Aman's POV)

Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow morning Duck Butt, and I leave to go train. Today, we say our goodbyes to the Leaf village. 

I was headed to the first person I was gonna tell. Shika. I reached his house and knoked on the door. Shikaku came and opened it.

"Aman. What brings you here today? Looking for Shikamaru?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am. Mind if I take him for a game of shogi, out in the flower field?"

"Of course. He could use some time out of the house," he said. Shikaku yelled for Shika to come to the door.

"Fine! Coming, Dad," Shika yelled back.

"Ya' know, Shikamaru never stops talking about you. His mother keeps saying he has a crush on you," Shikaku said.

I laughed alittle.

"It wouldn't be the first time a student had a crush on me," I said, thinking of Itachi. The thought made me frown alittle.

Shikaku seemed to understand, but before he could say anything Shika came walking in.

"Huh?! H-Hey, Aman-sensei," Shika said, a bit surprised to see me at first.

"Hey, Shika. I came to invite you to a game of shogi with me in the flower field." He blushed a little at his nick-name.

"Sure. Got nothin' better to do."

(Time skip)

"So...Shika, there is somthing I need to talk to you about," I said, in the middle of a game of shogi.

"Ok. What is it, Aman-sensei?"

"Tomorrow morning I'm leaving the village to train Sasuke. I'll be gone for at least two years."

"What?! You can't leave! I-We n-need you here," Shika shouted.

"I won't be gone forever. And besides, you guys can take care of the village while I'm gone, can't you? Don't worry. It's not like I'll forget you," I said, with a reassuring smile.

He sighed.

"Yeah, I gusse your right. And it's such a drag to have to worry about stuff like this."

I laughed at his response, and he laughed alittle with me, then we continued our game of shogi.

(Time skip)

The sun had gone down and it was starting to get a little late. I said goodbye to Sakura, Whiskers(Naruto), Kiba, and Choji.

Now for the hardest of all....Kakashi. 

I knocked on his door. When he answered, it looked like he just came out of the shower. His hair was still a little damp and down, and he was shirtless. But of course he still had his mask on.

'Dang it, Hatake! Your not making this any easier for me!' I thought.

"Aman! Hi. What brings you here this late?" he asked, with his famous eye smile.

"I uh-I need to talk to you."

"Ok. Come on in." He held the door open for me.

I went in. It was a small, but nice place. Similar to his place when we were kids.

"So what is it you need to talk to me about?" he asked.

I sighed.

"Kakashi I-....I'm leaving tomorrow morning, to go train Sasuke. I'll be gone for at least two years," I said, with my head down.

He stayed silent. 

But then, faster than lightning, he had me pinned against the wall, and his bare chest, one hand pinning my arms above my head, the other on my waist. Oh, not to mention his mask was now off. I gasped in surprise, but it was cut short when Kakashi's lips crashed into mine. I was surprised at first, but then I started to kiss back. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I hesitantly parted my lips. Kakashi's tongue explored my mouth, slowly and lovingly.

We stood there making out for what felt like forever, pausing for brief moments for air, until he slowly pulled his mout off mine. He let go of my hands. I slowly put them on Kakashi's cheeks. He leaned forehead against mine.

"Don't go...please.."

I felt tears prick my eyes. I didn't want to leave him, but I knew I had to.

"I'm sorry, Kashi, but you know as well as I, Sasuke needs this. I'm sorry...I-...I love you." We both knew we loved each other, but niether of us ever said it before.

"I-..I love you to. So much...Just come back to me..."

"I will...I promise. And you know I never go back on my word...."

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