Part 13

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Part 13

Moon Byul-Yi's POV

Yong-Sun and I had already been dating for a week. She walked me home every day although I did turn down her kind offer many times. I dreaded the minutes we spent together at first but I looked forward to them in the end. I think she's fun to be with, however, she doesn't think the same of me. She was always grumpy.

"We're here. Thanks, Yong-Sun."
"I'll see you again, next Monday."
"Do you want to go somewhere?"

I gave in. Her grumpiness did bother me. She quickly looked up at me. She was all eyes for me. I swear if she's a puppy, she'd be happily wagging her tail. I unconsciously stumbled backward due to her sudden perkiness. I rubbed my chest. I can use some prescriptions for her mood swing. She suddenly shut her eyes.

"Do you have anywhere in mind?"
"You know. We can go to a park."
"Let's go."
"I'll put down my things first then."
"All right."

I flashed a smile at her before I hurriedly ran into my dorm. I threw my bag onto the bed and I pulled open the drawer to grab my cap. I let out a sigh as soon as I saw the familiar journal. It was dusty, untouched for months. She's waiting. I reminded myself. I looked over it again before I pushed close the drawer. I'll fill it in later.

"I'm sorry for the wait, Yong-Sun."
"Me fine."
"I'll treat you to something delish."

The blinding twinkles in her eyes made me feel better. Yong-Sun rarely smiled at me these days. She even ignored me from time to time. I think her love already runs out by now, hell, it's probably just a small crush to begin with. I shrugged a little at my thought while I kept adjusting the bill of my cap. I straight up hated sunlight.


Yong-Sun was a wonder. She always made me wonder. What does she want now? She made me wonder again, for the nth time, as soon as she shoved the palm of her hand to my face. I spontaneously took a step back from her. How can I not? She almost gave me a clear cut karate chop. Her pout returned in no time.

"Is your hand hurt or something?"
"It no hurt."
"Why do you show it to me then?"
"You slow."
"Sheesh. I'll walk faster, all right?"

Yong-Sun answered me with a scoff. She still held up her hand in front of me. High five it is. I slapped our hands together. Her glowering frown made me believe I made the wrong move. I chatted some more after that but she gave me the silent treatment. Yong-Sun simply eyed up the streets as we silently walked together.

❄ ❄ ❄

The awkward silence was gone as soon as we made it to the park. I took a few deep breaths as I glanced through the crowded place. There were people everywhere. Yong-Sun seemed to be preoccupied with the kids, the dogs, the stalls. I noticed a small ice cream parlour metres away from us. I hope it'll make her happy.

"Yong-Sun. Do you want ice cream?"
"So which flavour do you want then?"
"It's strawberry, silly, it's strawberry."
"I get it. Do you want anything else?"
"I'll order them. You just wait, okay?"
"Umm. Come on. I'll find you a seat."

She doesn't humph me. It's a good sign. I absentmindedly smiled at her and she quickly returned the gesture. Her smile was indeed bigger than mine. I then pulled her by her shirtsleeve alongside me to a nearby park bench. I made her wait there and she eagerly nodded in return. I shook my head at her frantic mood swing.

❄ ❄ ❄

I looked at Yong-Sun from afar as I waited on our orders. She was kicking some pebbles. She then stared at them. She quickly shook her head before she stooped to her feet. I let out light chuckles as soon as I saw her thoughtfully petting them. She feels bad for hurting them. I had to admit. I kind of loved her company.

To Be Continued

UGLY DUCK (MoonSun)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora