Friendly kinda love

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MyKayla and Kendall finished dinner and they headed home. They were laughing and maybe even a little tipsy. Once they got inside they flopped themselves on the couch.

"Shh." MyKayla laughed

"You shh. Your the one falling over yourself."

"I am not! Okay maybe I was but it was funny!"

"Want some wine?" Kendall asked as he got up to go to the kitchen

"Oh my god yes!"

Kendall got two glasses and the oldest bottle that they had. He handed her a full glass and sat next to her with his already in hand. She looked at her cup before taking a drink of it.

"Whats the matter?" he asked resting his arm around her

"I still just cant believe he left... he hasn't even called you know." a tear forms at the corner of her eye

"Don't cry MyKay. He just needed space."

"Yeah I know but I'm hurting too you know. When will it be my turn."

"You turn for what?"

"For someone to love me."

She lets the tears fall as she looks over to Kendall. He bites his lip trying to hold in everything he wants to say. He wants to tell her that he loves her and that he would never leave her. That he would protect her for the rest of her life. He looks into her eyes and rests his hand on her cheek, and used his thumb to brush a tear away. Her deep brown eyes burn into his soul. All he wanted to do was kiss her and make all her pain go away. He leaned in closer to her and let himself risk everything. She didn't pull back, she let him cross the line from friendship into something totally different. Nothing would ever be the same again

Their lips touch and it felt like it was soft and peaceful. MyKayla felt a rush of comfort, then nothing but heat. She melted into the kiss and nothing could stop her heart from pounding in her chest. Kendall wrapped her in his arms and pulled her as close as he could. He wanted this for as long as he could remeber. This was the women who he had loved first. Sure he had been in a few relationships, including Rose, but she was always in his heart. As he held her and deeped the kiss by running his hands in her hair he felt like he was going to loose himself. Before he ran out of breath and went even further, She pulled away and looked at him.


"Kendall...what does this mean."

"MyKayla... I wont lie to you. You are my best friend, I have loved you for so long. I never said anything because I never wanted to ruin what we had...."

"Kendall!! Shh. Take me upstairs."

"What?" He looked at her with disbelief

She didn't repeat herself, she held his hand and got up from the couch. She pulled him to the stairs, she went up a step so she was his height. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Kendall take me upstairs."

All she could do was look at him, she was taken over by his confession the only place she could think of being was with him. She had always wondered if they could ever be more. He leaned in and grabbed the back of her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. Their eyes never left each other not until they got into Kendall's room. With MyKayla still wrapped around him he sat on his bed. She leaned in and lightly placed a kiss on his lips.

"MyKayla, there is nothing more I want in this world than you. But I don't want you to feel like you have to do this to make me feel better about Rose."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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