Learn you lesson

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Part 4(learn your lesson)

                MyKayla was in the middle of teaching one of her favorite classes of the day.

“So what’s the answer?” she asked openly

“Ms. Maes none of us know.”

“Well let’s start somewhere simpler shall we?”

                MyKayla stepped to the middle of the white board and began to talk about WW2. Class always went by fast with her way of teaching, her students absolutely loved her. As she got deep into the lesson but she was rudely cut off by the school bell.  Her students quickly gathered their things and began to walk out the door.

“Don’t forget that your essays are due tomorrow!”

                Everyone moaned and groaned as they walked out of the classroom. She wished them all a good day as she sat at her desk. She put on her glasses and began to work through lunch as she always did. She was elbow deep in work there was a knock at her door, she didn’t bother to look up to see who it was she was much too busy.

“Ms. Maes?”

“Mr. Henderson I told you to call me MyKayla.” She looked up and smiled at her friend

“MyKayla I told you to call me Logan.” She lightly laughed at their small joke.

                She laughed back at him and went back to her work. She knew she had far too much to do to stop and socialize. So she just continued to work.

“You work to much you know.” He added

“Well that’s who I am.”

“What time did you get home last night?” he asked


“MyKayla school gets out at 3:30, why were you here that long?”

“I had volleyball practice and extra lesson plans.” She snaps at him

“Are you going to lunch?”

“No I don’t have time, I’m behind on grading.”

“No none of that come on.” Logan grabbed her hand and pulled her to him

“No Logan I can’t.”

“Why not?” he pulled her closer

                As she realized what he was doing she moved away then turned away from Logan. She knew he liked her but he crossed the line trying to make a pass at her at work. She didn’t look at him again she just sat back down and began to work again.

“Logan Carlos is visiting me for lunch.” She lied

“Oh…then I should go.”

                Logan walked out of her classroom feeling hurt and upset.  MyKayla sat at her desk and kept working, she felt bad but she loved who she was with and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon so Logan had to understand they had a professional relationship.  She really just wanted the day to be over. As her thoughts began to roll her phone went off and it was a text from Carlos…

** Hey baby hope your day is going okay.

Just wanted to say I Love and miss you**

                She answered with an I love you and kept working. Until her mind began to wonder about the night before. She wanted Carlos to get help but he was always so distant with his past…even with her. She hardly knew anything about what he had gone through, and she really couldn’t understand why. Maybe she could ask Kendall for help and they could do their whole guy thing.

                The school day came to an end, so she gathered her thing and went to the bathroom to change. She came out in black slacks, black pumps and a white dress shirt; she always tried to look professional for home games. As she made her way down to the gym she heard her name being called from down the hall…


“Rose? What are you doing here??”

“Came to watch my best friends game duh!? Do you remember when it was me and you on that court!? Some of my best times with you girl!”

“Aww Rose! Thank you.” MyKayla smiled and hugged her friend.

“How is your neck?” she asked lightly

“Rose please stop giving Carlos such a hard time. He is really trying and when you call him out like that it doesn’t help.”

“I’m just trying to look out for you.” Rose adds

“I have to go.”

                MyKayla walks into the gym and over to her team with a big fake smile on her face. She began to warm them up and get pumped for the game. Rose got really upset with herself as she made her way over to Kendall in the stands. She sat with him without a sound she just looked over to her friend worried things would soon get out of hand.

“You okay?” Kendall asked her

“Yeah umm where is Carlos?”

“Oh He went to go get us drinks.” He smiled

“Oh.” That’s all she could really say

“Here you go guys.” Carlos came back with the drinks.

“Thanks man.” Kendall smiled and pasted Rose her drink

“Rose are you okay?” Carlos ask her

“Just worried.” She starts

“Rose don’t.” Kendall snaps and interrupts her

“What!? He could have killed her Kendall!!!”

The unexpected love for a nightmare. (Big Time Rush Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now