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Part 6:

                Kendall looked down and his needy friend, who he had loved forever. Kendall and MyKayla had been friends since they were 5 years old. He knew her better than anyone, and same with her. She pull him closer to deepen her cry.

“Mycakes don’t cry.” He ran his fingers through her hair to try to relax her.

“He’s gone.”

                Her saying it made her knees go weak, Kendall picked her up and took her to the couch. She laid her head on his lap and looked up at him. She kept crying until the tears over whelmed her and she slowly fell asleep. He lifted her up lightly and took her to her room, he tucked her in and made his way to his room.

“Is she okay?” Rose asked without giving him a second in the room


                Kendall was so upset, if she wouldn’t have said anything Carlos would be in the next room with MyKayla. Kendall didn’t make eye contact with Rose he was to angry and he didn’t want to say anything he would regret. Rose sat on their bed and watched him get ready to go to sleep. He was making his way to the door as she stopped him…

“What happened?” she asked

“He left.”

“What?” she couldn’t believe it

“He left her….Rose why did you even say anything to him?”

“I… I wanted to protect her.” She mumbled

“She could hardly walk Rose.” He snapped


“No you messed her up she is so fucked up!”

                Rose covered her eyes and cried, she never meant for this to happen. Kendall finished changing, brushed his teeth and made his way back to their door. Rose looked up really scared and lightly cried out

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to sit in MyKayla’s room so she doesn’t go crazy.”

                Kendall walked out without even saying another word to Rose. She knew she had messed up, but how was she going to fix it? She knew Carlos loved MyKayla and would do anything for her, would he come back if he knew how bad she was? Rose pulled out her phone and dialed Carlos’s number…

“Hello?” he answered

“Carlos you need to come home.”


“Please MyKayla is terrible without you.” She added

“No Rose she is strong she’ll be fine.”

“Carlos I’m sorry for all I said to you please come home and see her.”

“Rose … Good-bye” he hung up the phone. How was she going to fix this? Carlos wouldn’t even consider coming back because what she had said.   

The unexpected love for a nightmare. (Big Time Rush Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now